Release 5.0.0
💥 Breaking Change
- #877 Require ember-resources >=v6.4.0 (inc. v7) (@nickschot)
- #821 Drop support for mm.LinkTo component, use LinkTo with on click modifier instead (@nickschot)
- #779 Replace SCSS with plain CSS approach (@nickschot)
- #778 Convert to v2 addon (@nickschot)
- #744 Replace tracked-maps-and-sets with tracked-built-ins (@nickschot)
🚀 Enhancement
- #878 Allow ember-concurrency v4 (@nickschot)
- #855 Implement basic scale correction for gestures (@nickschot)
- #827 Add ember-gesture-modifiers v6 to allowed range (@nickschot)
- #798 Replace ember-could-get-used-to-this with ember-resources (by @johanrd ) (@nickschot)
- #779 Replace SCSS with plain CSS approach (@nickschot)
📝 Documentation
- #822 Update docs with style customization section (@nickschot)
🏠 Internal
- #820 Fix workspaces reference in package.json (@nickschot)
- #819 Remove prepare from root package.json (@nickschot)
- #804 Re-add support for ember-source v3.28.0 (@nickschot)
- #816 Add npmrc w/ proper peerDep config, fix monorepo resolution (@nickschot)
- #810 Downgrade to actions/setup-node@v3 due to performance bug with v4 (@nickschot)
- #788 Update dependency rollup to v4 (@renovate[bot])
- #800 Specify ember-source >=v4 as a peer dependency (@nickschot)
- #791 Enable readme/license copying to published addon (@nickschot)
- #790 Remove Travis CI badge (@nickschot)
- #789 Remove v1 addon/cleanup (@nickschot)
- #745 Remove reliance on sinon (@nickschot)
Committers: 1
- Nick Schot (@nickschot)
- johanrd (@johanrd)