React-based CRM dashboard featuring comprehensive authentication, antd charts, sales management, and a fully operational kanban board with live updates for real-time actions across all devices.
- React.js
- TypeScript
- GraphQL
- Ant Design
- Refine
- Codegen
- Vite
✓ 🔐 Authentication: Seamless onboarding with secure login and signup functionalities; robust password recovery ensures a smooth authentication experience.
✓ 🛡️ Authorization: Granular access control regulates user actions, maintaining data security and user permissions.
✓ 📊 Home Page: Dynamic home page showcases interactive charts for key metrics; real-time updates on activities, upcoming events, and a deals chart for business insights.
✓ 🏢 Companies Page: Complete CRUD for company management and sales processes; detailed profiles with add/edit functions, associated contacts/leads, pagination, and field-specific search.
✓ 📋 Kanban Board: Collaborative board with real-time task updates; customization options include due dates, markdown descriptions, and multi-assignees, dynamically shifting tasks across dashboards.
✓ ⚙️ Account Settings: Personalized user account settings for profile management; streamlined configuration options for a tailored application experience.
✓ 📱 Responsive: Full responsiveness across devices for consistent user experience; fluid design adapts seamlessly to various screen sizes, ensuring accessibility.
Follow these steps to set up the project locally on your machine.
Make sure you have the following installed on your machine:
Cloning the Repository
git clone
cd refine_dashboard
Install the project dependencies using npm:
npm install
Running the Project
npm run dev
Open http://localhost:5173 in your browser to view the project. 🌐
If you've found a bug or have a suggestion, feel free to open an issue.
To create a new issue:
- Go to the Issues tab
- Click the New Issue button
- Choose the appropriate template if available
- Fill in the required information
- Submit the issue
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
For any questions or concerns, you can reach out through:
- Email:
Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or just want to connect!