The terraform-provider-harbor
is used to configure an instance of Harbor.
This is original based on the Work from BESTSELLER/terraform-harbor-provider, but with some incompatible changes, like the access to the Harbor API.
At the Moment this Project is heavy under Construction, it is not recommended for Production use, or active Forking !
Planed Braking Changes:
- Rename provider attributes, like url etc.
- Refectore Config Auth attributes, like ldap etc.
- Use First Stable version from the Devcontainer (not exists at the moment)
The Documentation will be created with mkdocs and generated to from the latest Release like,
As CI/CD tool we use the Github Workflow Feature.
For Easy development use Visual Studio Code DevContainer, you can find the basement from the Development Containers at nolte/vscode-devcontainers.
Create you Github Personal Access Token under with the following scopes:
Login to fetch the required dev containers
docker login
Grab you a Coffee and wait for 3 Minutes (This happens on the first time use)
Click Terminal -> New Terminal and execute the following command:
# using the Makefile
After starting the VisualStudio Code DevContainer, you can access the Documentation at localhost:8000.
For full building and testing you need the following tools on our machine.
- kind
- Terraform
- gruntwork-io/terratest
Tested with Harbor v1.10.2, v2.0.0 and v2.1.0 (currently broken #83).
For the End To End Tests we use a local kind (KubernetesInDocker) Cluster.