Ignition & Combustion Config Generator. Easily generate new or edit existing Ignition configs.
No more fiddling around with JSON or Butane.
npm install
npm run dev
$ sudo zypper in podman
$ make
$ podman run --rm --network=host fuelignition:latest
> fuel-ignition@1.0 dev
> vite
Pre-bundling dependencies:
(this will be run only when your dependencies or config have changed)
vite v2.6.14 dev server running at:
> Local: http://localhost:3000/fuel-ignition/
> Network: use `--host` to expose
ready in 472ms.
$ firefox http://localhost:3000/fuel-ignition/
Add your own version tag as required, in this example v0.1 is used.
$ nerdctl --namespace k8s.io build -t fuelignition:v0.1 --build-arg CONTAINER_USERID=`id -u` .
Once the build has completed, the image should appear in Rancher-Desktop -> Images;
$ kubectl run --image fuelignition:v0.1 fuelignition
pod/fuelignition created
$ kubectl get pods
fuelignition 1/1 Running 0 27s
$ kubectl port-forward pods/fuelignition 3000:3000 > /dev/null 2>&1 &
$ xdg-open http://localhost:3000/fuel-ignition/
Cleaning up
$ pkill -f "port-forward"
$ kubectl delete pod fuelignition
The created fuelignition image(s) can be deleted via Rancher-Desktop -> Images.
npm run build
dist/ contains a minified and cleaned up production build
We are using Cypress (https://www.cypress.io/) for e2e tests (End-to-end tests). So we are simulating the user input and checking the results.
Interactive testing:
npm run cy
Running all tests:
npm run cy:run
In order to start the tests, the fuel-ignition server has to be started before:
npm run dev
Fuel-ignition is still in early development and will most likely undergo massive changes. I'm always open to feedback and enjoy hearing your thoughts. Cheers!