git clone https://github.com/pawell67/laravel-sail.git
cd laravel-sail
cp .env.example .env
composer install --ignore-platform-reqs
./vendor/bin/sail up -d
./vendor/bin/sail artisan key:generate
./vendor/bin/sail artisan migrate
##Task 1:
Create a new Laravel project using composer
Attached you will find a DB dump. Create a DB connection in laravel using the .env file.
Seed the DB based on the dump
In the resulted DB you will have these 3 tables: users
, countries
and user_details
* users: id, email, active
* countries: id, name, iso2, iso3
* user_details: id, user_id, citizenship_country_id, first_name, last_name, phone_number
- Create a call which will return all the users which are
(users table) and have an Austrian citizenship. - Create a call which will allow you to edit user details just if the user details are there already.
- Create a call which will allow you to delete a user just if no user details exist yet.
- Write a feature test for 3. with valid and invalid data Tips:
- you can use Eloquent to simplify (eg: model binding)
[GET] /api/v1/users
Active users with austrian citizenship:
[GET] /api/v1/users?status=active&country=aut
[GET] /api/v1/users?status=active&country=AU
[GET] /api/v1/users?status=active&country=austria
[GET] /api/v1/users?status=active&country=Austria
Edit user details (if details exists) [PUT] curl with json:
curl --location --request PUT '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"first_name": "Test",
Delete user with id (if no details exists):
[DELETE] /api/v1/users/{id}
##Task 2:
Create a new Laravel project using composer
Attached you will find a DB dump and a .csv file.
Create a DB connection in laravel using the .env file.
Seed the DB based on the dump
In the resulted DB you will have these 1 table: transactions
* transactions: id, code, amount, user_id, created_at, updated_at
You have two sources. One DB and one is the .csv file Write two services(classes) that implement an interface which will allow you to retrieve the data.
- Create an endpoint which will return the transactions in a json with an extra parameter which will specify the source
- .../transactions?source=db
- .../transactions?source=csv
Some ideas:
- you can create a factory to determine the class handler
- you can also validate the source value and if the value is unknown throw an exception (eg: /transactions?source=html)
[GET] /api/v1/transactions?source=db
[GET] /api/v1/transactions?source=csv
[GET] /api/v1/transactions?source=html
[GET] /api/v1/transactions
./vendor/bin/sail artisan test