Sass function and mixin to convert px in em.
3.0: changed default function name when imported globally (
@use "rem" as *;
or@import "sass-rem";
) toem-convert
to match sass-rem, as CSS now userem()
for calculating the remainder. It shouldn't change anything if you used Sass Modules introduced in 2.0 (em.convert
). -
2.0: now using Sass Modules, using
is renamed toem.convert
. You could still use@import
with no changes (see usage below), but if you need LibSass/node-sass and Ruby Sass support (both deprecated), you should stay on 1.0 (which works fine) or use the PostCSS version.
yarn add sass-em
npm install sass-em
The em.convert
function takes at least 2 parameters: the value(s) (px, mixed) and the context (px).
There can be multiple values (eg. multiple box shadow), but the last parameter must be the context.
The em.convert
mixin takes only 2 parameters: the properties (map of property: value
) and the context (px). It can be used to convert the values of multiple properties with the same context.
Import in your project depending of your setup:
@use "em";
// or @use "~sass-em" as em;
// or @use "../node_modules/sass-em" as em;
$base-font-size: 16px;
$h1-font-size: 24px;
.demo {
font-size: em.convert($h1-font-size, $base-font-size); // Simple
border-bottom: em.convert(1px solid black, $h1-font-size); // Shorthand
box-shadow: em.convert(0 0 2px #ccc, inset 0 0 5px #eee, $h1-font-size); // Multiple values
// Multiple properties
@include em.convert((
margin: 20px 5%,
padding: 10px
), $h1-font-size);
Will output :
.demo {
font-size: 1.5em;
border-bottom: 0.0416666667em solid black;
box-shadow: 0 0 0.0833333333em #ccc, inset 0 0 0.2083333333em #eee;
margin: 0.8333333333em 5%;
padding: 0.4166666667em;
You can change the namespace when importing and use em
function and mixin instead of convert
@use "em" as to; // Because why not?
.demo {
font-size: to.em(24px, 16px);
Or you can even load the library globally (but beware of conflicts, avoided by the idea of modules):
@use "em" as *;
.demo {
font-size: em-convert(24px, 16px);
If you don't want to use Sass Modules, you can still use @import
with em-convert
function and mixin:
@import "sass-em";
.demo {
font-size: em-convert(24px);
- PostCSS version: