A PKU course project based on the "SemEval-2013 task 13 Word Sense Induction for Graded and Non-Graded Senses" competition.
Three Subtask:
- Non-graded Word Sense Iduction Subtask
- Graded Word Sense Induction Subtask
- Lexical Substitution SubTask
The link of description for each subtask is broken.
If it's your first time using nltk's wordNet API. You have to install first.
# install the dependencies
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
# get fastText pre-trained embedding
bash fastTextPretrainEmbedding.sh
# get the topN key file
python3 similarity.py
# evaluate
./evaluate.sh ResultFolder/top2.key
# or
python3 evaluation.py ResultFolder/top2.key
# plot TextCNN Model
brew install graphviz
python3 textCNN.py
- load the SemEval xml data intoLexelt
- sentence embedding based on fastTextsimilarity.py
- calculating similarity between test data sentence with wordNet definitions
- Contexts
- senseval2-format
- xml-format
- Keys
- baselines
- gold
- systems
- Scoring - Evaluation
- Jaccard Index
- Positionally-Weighted Kendall's
$\tau$ - Weighted NDCG
Sense Cluster Comparison
- Fuzzy NMI
- Fuzzy B-Cubed
DCG stands for Discounted Cumulative Gain
NMI stands for Normalized Mutual Information
Big Picture
- Use the definitions of word from WordNet / or From the test data
- Use WordNet's explainations to represent the meaning
- Use the context to represent the meaning
- Transfer sentences into vectors
- Calculate the similarity between each definition sentences
- For each test data export N possible sense with the most similarity
- Each of their weights minus the N+1th's weight
from bert_embedding import BertEmbedding bert_embedding = BertEmbedding() result = bert_embedding(sentence)
ERROR: mxnet 1.4.0 has requirement numpy<1.15.0,>=1.8.2, but you'll have numpy 1.16.3 which is incompatible. ERROR: bert-embedding 1.0.1 has requirement numpy==1.14.6, but you'll have numpy 1.16.3 which is incompatible.
- Naive Adding
- Naive Adding with Normalization
- Padded Naive Adding with Normalization
- TextCNN
Follow the thought of the paper: Word Sense Induction with Neural biLM and Symmetric Patterns
The scentence embedding is simply adding by every word embeddings in the sentence
Output of TopN must be N results.
model | Embedding | Similarity | Jac. Ind. | tau | WDCG | Fuzzy NMI | Fuzzy B-Cube | AVG |
Top1 | fastText | Cosine | 23.81 | 61.84 | 29.30 | 2.81 | 50.22 | 11.89 |
Top2 | fastText | Cosine | 19.62 | 59.88 | 35.98 | 8.56 | 52.10 | 21.12 |
Top3 | fastText | Cosine | 19.22 | 59.61 | 37.90 | 7.15 | 42.87 | 17.51 |
Top4 | fastText | Cosine | 19.20 | 59.58 | 37.47 | 6.61 | 32.07 | 14.56 |
Top5 | fastText | Cosine | 19.20 | 59.50 | 36.25 | 5.92 | 24.80 | 12.11 |
Top1 | fastText | Euclidean | 24.45 | 61.35 | 28.96 | 3.63 | 47.78 | 13.17 |
Top2 | fastText | Euclidean | 21.25 | 60.19 | 35.47 | 7.87 | 46.06 | 19.04 |
Top3 | fastText | Euclidean | 20.09 | 60.09 | 36.99 | 6.97 | 40.36 | 16.77 |
Top4 | fastText | Euclidean | 19.51 | 59.90 | 36.00 | 6.46 | 34.25 | 14.87 |
Top5 | fastText | Euclidean | 19.44 | 59.72 | 34.59 | 6.15 | 28.33 | 13.20 |
Top1 | fastText | Minkowski | 24.45 | 61.35 | 28.96 | 3.63 | 47.78 | 13.17 |
Top2 | fastText | Minkowski | 21.25 | 60.19 | 35.47 | 7.87 | 46.06 | 19.04 |
Top3 | fastText | Minkowski | 20.09 | 60.09 | 36.99 | 6.97 | 40.36 | 16.77 |
Top4 | fastText | Minkowski | 19.51 | 59.90 | 36.00 | 6.46 | 34.25 | 14.87 |
Top5 | fastText | Minkowski | 19.44 | 59.72 | 34.59 | 6.15 | 28.33 | 13.20 |
Top2 | Bert Model | Cosine | 20.91 | 60.04 | 34.62 | 6.74 | 46.78 | 17.76 |
Output of TopN must be less than N results.
model | Embedding | Similarity | Jac. Ind. | tau | WDCG | Fuzzy NMI | Fuzzy B-Cube | AVG |
Top1 | fastText | Cosine | 23.81 | 61.84 | 29.30 | 2.81 | 50.22 | 11.89 |
Top2 | fastText | Cosine | 19.95 | 59.90 | 35.70 | 8.35 | 52.40 | 20.92 |
Top3 | fastText | Cosine | 19.28 | 59.58 | 37.81 | 7.15 | 44.16 | 17.77 |
Top4 | fastText | Cosine | 19.21 | 59.60 | 37.46 | 6.47 | 35.66 | 15.19 |
Top5 | fastText | Cosine | 19.20 | 59.51 | 36.23 | 5.88 | 28.48 | 12.94 |
The scentence embedding is simply adding by every word embeddings in the sentence, and then divided by its length
model | Embedding | Similarity | Jac. Ind. | tau | WDCG | Fuzzy NMI | Fuzzy B-Cube | AVG |
Top1 | fastText | Cosine | 24.52 | 62.11 | 29.89 | 3.38 | 50.37 | 13.04 |
Top2 | fastText | Cosine | 19.68 | 60.30 | 36.25 | 8.92 | 52.51 | 21.64 |
Top3 | fastText | Cosine | 19.23 | 59.48 | 38.24 | 7.43 | 43.24 | 17.92 |
Top4 | fastText | Cosine | 19.20 | 59.61 | 37.65 | 6.74 | 32.11 | 14.71 |
Top5 | fastText | Cosine | 19.20 | 59.64 | 36.20 | 6.16 | 25.00 | 12.41 |
The sentence embedding is padding to the max sentence length using "AVG" embedding.
model | Embedding | Similarity | Jac. Ind. | tau | WDCG | Fuzzy NMI | Fuzzy B-Cube | AVG |
Top1 | fastText | Cosine | 23.37 | 61.38 | 29.11 | 3.73 | 52.16 | 13.95 |
Top2 | fastText | Cosine | 20.52 | 59.82 | 35.28 | 8.55 | 46.58 | 19.95 |
Top3 | fastText | Cosine | 19.80 | 59.76 | 37.11 | 7.88 | 37.99 | 17.30 |
Top4 | fastText | Cosine | 18.66 | 59.96 | 35.99 | 7.36 | 30.82 | 15.06 |
Top5 | fastText | Cosine | 18.39 | 59.79 | 34.66 | 6.95 | 25.37 | 13.28 |
model | Embedding | Similarity | Jac. Ind. | tau | WDCG | Fuzzy NMI | Fuzzy B-Cube | AVG |
Top2 | BERT | Cosine | 19.65 | 59.89 | 35.66 | 7.93 | 53.06 | 20.51 |
model(M) | Embedding | Similarity | Sentence Embedding | Jac. Ind. | tau | WDCG | Fuzzy NMI | Fuzzy B-Cube | AVG |
Top3(2) | fastText | Cosine | NaiveAdding | 19.30 | 59.66 | 38.15 | 7.45 | 44.58 | 18.23 |
Top4(2) | fastText | Cosine | NaiveAdding | 19.21 | 59.60 | 37.63 | 6.70 | 35.94 | 15.52 |
Top5(2) | fastText | Cosine | NaiveAdding | 19.20 | 59.66 | 36.19 | 6.11 | 28.94 | 13.30 |
Top3(2) | fastText | Cosine | NaiveNormalized | 19.30 | 59.66 | 38.15 | 7.45 | 44.58 | 18.23 |
Top4(2) | fastText | Cosine | NaiveNormalized | 19.21 | 59.60 | 37.63 | 6.70 | 35.94 | 15.52 |
Top5(2) | fastText | Cosine | NaiveNormalized | 19.20 | 59.66 | 36.19 | 6.11 | 28.94 | 13.30 |
model | Embedding | Similarity | Sentence Embedding | Jac. Ind. | tau | WDCG | Fuzzy NMI | Fuzzy B-Cube | AVG |
Top2 | fastText | Cosine | NaiveAdding | 20.30 | 60.35 | 37.51 | 6.62 | 52.20 | 18.59 |
Top3 | fastText | Cosine | NaiveAdding | 19.32 | 59.77 | 36.82 | 6.80 | 39.72 | 16.43 |
Top2 | fastText | Cosine | NaiveAvgPadding | 22.20 | 61.61 | 31.98 | 3.78 | 53.26 | 14.19 |
Top3 | fastText | Cosine | NaiveAvgPadding | 20.92 | 60.78 | 32.62 | 4.89 | 51.34 | 15.84 |
- Word Sense Induction for Graded and Non-Graded Senses
- Task 13 Paper
- All data and system submissions - i.e. the "SemEval-2013-Task-13-test-data" folder
- Errata (Corrigendum)
Relative Works
- Paper - Word Sense Induction with Neural biLM and Symmetric Patterns
- Paper - AutoSense Model for Word Sense Induction
Version 3.1 is currently available only online.
# get wordnet (at the first time)
import nltk
# use wordnet api
from nltk.corpus import wordnet as wn
# Synset.definition()
wn.synsets('dark') # list of Synset
wn.synsets('dark', pos=wn.NOUN)
wn.synset('dark.n.01') # a Synset
# Lemma.key()
wn.lemma('dark.n.01.dark') # a Lemma (dark in dark.n.01)
- Scipy - Distance computations (scipy.spatial.distance)
WSI = Word Sense Induction It's a task to get the word sense
- local
- syntactic
- close to the disambiguate word
- global
- thematic
- semantic
LM | cluster | Jac. | POS | WDCG | F-NMI | F_BC | AVG |
ELMo | one-hot | 19.58 | 61.45 | 33.25 | 9.28 | 58.70 | 23.34 |
ELMo | tf-idf | 20.20 | 62.40 | 34.06 |
11.06 |
57.72 | 25.27 |
ELMo | Bert | 19.20 | 60.23 | 30.69 | 2.65 | 54.34 | 12.00 |
ELMo | Glove | 21.22 | 63.18 | 32.00 | 8.28 | 60.90 | 22.45 |
ELMo | FastText | 20.14 | 62.14 | 31.47 | 7.40 | 61.39 | 21.32 |
LM | cluster | Jac. | POS | WDCG | F-NMI | F_BC | AVG |
Glove | one-hot | 19.59 | 61.66 | 32.63 | 8.66 | 59.21 | 22.64 |
Glove | tf-idf | 19.94 | 62.50 | 33.65 | 10.69 | 57.68 | 24.83 |
Glove | Glove | 21.31 | 63.87 |
31.83 | 8.08 | 60.88 | 22.18 |
Glove | FastText | 19.81 | 61.78 | 30.92 | 6.49 | 61.08 | 19.91 |
LM | cluster | Jac. | POS | WDCG | F-NMI | F_BC | AVG |
FastText | one-hot | 19.66 | 61.79 | 32.97 | 8.78 | 58.59 | 22.68 |
FastText | tf-idf | 20.08 | 62.90 | 33.80 | 10.82 | 57.34 | 24.90 |
FastText | Glove | 21.80 |
63.49 | 31.77 | 7.79 | 60.52 | 21.72 |
FastText | FastText | 20.73 | 62.15 | 31.37 | 7.08 | 61.11 |
20.80 |
LM=ELMo, cluster=tf-idf
LM | clusterNum | Jac. | POS | WDCG | F-NMI | F_BC | AVG |
ELMo | 5 | 19.68 | 61.67 | 32.29 | 9.68 | 58.88 | 23.87 |
ELMo | 6 | 19.93 | 61.90 | 33.28 | 10.21 | 58.25 | 24.39 |
ELMo | 7 | 20.20 | 62.40 | 34.06 |
11.06 |
57.72 | 25.27 |
ELMo | 8 | 20.38 | 61.72 | 34.46 | 10.88 | 56.60 | 24.82 |
ELMo | 9 | 20.30 | 62.34 | 35.25 | 11.58 | 56.61 | 25.60 |
ELMo | 10 | 20.39 | 62.67 | 35.23 | 10.95 | 55.94 | 24.75 |
- AttributeError: '_NamespacePath' object has no attribute 'sort'
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pip install --upgrade pip
python3 -m pip install --user --upgrade pip==9.0.3
wget https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py
python get-pip.py --user