Perform simultaneous clustering and factor decomposition in Python for three-mode datasets, a library utility.
The main use cases of the library are:
- performing tandem clustering and factor-decomposition procedures sequentially (TWCFTA).
- performing tandem factor-decomposition and clustering procedures sequentially (TWFCTA).
- performing the clustering and factor decomposition procedures simultaneously (T3Clus).
- performing factor-decomposition and clustering procedures simultaneously (3FKMeans).
- performing combined T3Clus and 3FKMeans procedures simultaneously (CT3Clus).
To install the Python library, run:
pip install simuclustfactor
You may consider installing the library only for the current user:
pip install simuclustfactor --user
Implements just two main modules namely,
: encapsulating TWCFTA and TWFCTAsimultaneous
: encapsulating T3Clus, TFKMeans and CT3Clus
Data Generation
import numpy as np
from simuclustfactor import tandem
from simuclustfactor import simultaneous
from simuclustfactor.generate_dataset import GenerateDataset
from simuclustfactor.tensor import Fold, Unfold
I,J,K = 8,5,4 # dimensions in the full space.
G,Q,R = 3,3,2 # tensor dimensions in reduced space.
data = GenerateDataset(I=I, J=J, K=K, G=G, Q=Q, R=R, centroids_spread=[0,1], noise_mean=0, noise_stdev=0.5, seed=None).additive_noise()
# Extracting the data
Y_g_qr = data.Y_g_qr # centroids matrix in the reduced space.
Z_i_jk = data.Z_i_jk # score/centroid matrix in the full-space.
X_i_jk = data.X_i_jk # dataset with noise.
# Ground-truth parameters
U_i_g = data.U_i_g # binary stochastic membership matrix
B_j_q = data.B_j_q # variables factor matrix
C_k_r = data.C_k_r # occasions factor matrix
# Ground-truth associations
U_i_g = data.U_labels # array of clusters for objects
B_j_q = data.B_labels # array of factors for each variable
C_k_r = data.C_labels # array of factors for each occasion
# Folding generated data matrices into tensors
X_i_j_k = fold(X_i_jk, mode=1, shape=c(K,I,J))
Z_i_j_k = fold(Z_i_jk, mode=1, shape=c(K,I,J))
Y_g_q_r = fold(Y_g_qr, mode=1, shape=c(R,G,Q))
cf = tandem.TWCFTA(random_state=0,verbose=True, n_max_iter=10).fit(X_i_jk, full_tensor_shape=(I,J,K), reduced_tensor_shape=(G,Q,R))
twfcta = tandem.TWFCTA(random_state=0,verbose=True, n_max_iter=10).fit(X_i_jk, full_tensor_shape=(I,J,K), reduced_tensor_shape=(G,Q,R))
# The following attributes are accessible for the tandem models via the '. operator
twfcta.U_i_g0 # initial membership matrix
twfcta.B_j_q0 # initial variable-component matrix
twfcta.C_k_r0 # initial occasion-component matrix
twfcta.U_i_g # final membership matrix
twfcta.B_j_q # final variable-component matrix
twfcta.C_k_r # final occasion-component matrix
twfcta.Y_g_qr # The centroids in the reduced space (data matrix).
twfcta.X_i_jk_scaled # Standardized data matrix.
twfcta.BestTimeElapsed # Execution time for the best iterate.
twfcta.BestLoop # Loop that obtained the best iterate.
twfcta.BestKmIteration # Number of iterations until best iterate for the K-means.
twfcta.BestFaIteration # Number of iterations until best iterate for the FA.
twfcta.FaConverged # Flag to check if algorithm converged for the Factor decomposition.
twfcta.KmConverged # Flag to check if algorithm converged for the K-means.
twfcta.nKmConverges # Number of loops that converged for the K-means.
twfcta.nFaConverges # Number of loops that converged for the Factor decomposition.
twfcta.TSS_full # Total deviance in the full-space.
twfcta.BSS_full # Between deviance in the reduced-space.
twfcta.RSS_full # Residual deviance in the reduced-space.
twfcta.TSS_reduced # Total deviance in the reduced-space.
twfcta.BSS_reduced # Between deviance in the reduced-space.
twfcta.RSS_reduced # Residual deviance in the reduced-space.
twfcta.PF_full # PseudoF computed in the full-space.
twfcta.PF_reduced # PseudoF computed in the reduced-space.
twfcta.PF # Actual PseudoF score used to obtain the best loop. PF_reduced for twfcta and PF_full twcfta.
twfcta.Labels # Object cluster assignments.
twfcta.FsKM # Objective function values for the KM best iterate.
twfcta.FsFA # Objective function values for the FA best iterate.
twfcta.Enorm # Average l2norm of residual norm.
Simultaneous Models
tfkmeans = simultaneous.TFKMeans(random_state=0, init='random', verbose=True, n_max_iter=10).fit(X_i_jk, full_tensor_shape=(I,J,K), reduced_tensor_shape=(G,Q,R))
t3clus = simultaneous.T3Clus(random_state=0, init='random', verbose=True, n_max_iter=10).fit(X_i_jk, full_tensor_shape=(I,J,K), reduced_tensor_shape=(G,Q,R))
tfkmeans_1 = simultaneous.CT3Clus(random_state=0, init='random', verbose=True, n_max_iter=10).fit(X_i_jk, full_tensor_shape=(I,J,K), reduced_tensor_shape=(G,Q,R), alpha=0)
ct3clus = simultaneous.CT3Clus(random_state=0, init='random', verbose=True, n_max_iter=10).fit(X_i_jk, full_tensor_shape=(I,J,K), reduced_tensor_shape=(G,Q,R), alpha=0.5)
t3clus_1 = simultaneous.CT3Clus(random_state=0, init='random', verbose=True, n_max_iter=10).fit(X_i_jk, full_tensor_shape=(I,J,K), reduced_tensor_shape=(G,Q,R), alpha=1)
# The following attributes are accessible for the simultaneous models via the '.' operator
ct3clus.U_i_g0 # initial membership matrix.
ct3clus.B_j_q0 # initial variable-component matrix.
ct3clus.C_k_r0 # initial occasion-component matrix.
ct3clus.U_i_g # final membership matrix.
ct3clus.B_j_q # final variable-component matrix.
ct3clus.C_k_r # final occasion-component matrix.
ct3clus.Y_g_qr # Centroids in the reduced space (data matrix).
ct3clus.X_i_jk_scaled # Standardized data matrix.
ct3clus.BestTimeElapsed # Execution time for the best iterate.
ct3clus.BestLoop # Loop that obtained the best iterate.
ct3clus.BestIteration # Number of iterations until best iterate found.
ct3clus.Converged # Flag to check if the algorithm converged.
ct3clus.nConverges # Number of loops that converged.
ct3clus.TSS_full # Total deviance in the full-space.
ct3clus.BSS_full # Between deviance in the reduced-space.
ct3clus.RSS_full # Residual deviance in the reduced-space.
ct3clus.TSS_reduced # Total deviance in the reduced-space.
ct3clus.BSS_reduced # Between deviance in the reduced-space.
ct3clus.RSS_reduced # Residual deviance in the reduced-space.
ct3clus.PF_full # PseudoF computed in the full-space.
ct3clus.PF_reduced # PseudoF computed in the reduced-space.
ct3clus.PF # Weighted PseudoF score used to obtain the best loop.
ct3clus.Labels # Object cluster assignments.
ct3clus.Fs # Objective function values for the best iterate.
ct3clus.Enorm # Average l2norm of residual norm.