Kendal framework is a tool that aims at facilitating Java programmers work. It does it by allowing a programmer to create some boilerplate pieces of code with a very little effort in an automatic manner. There is a set of annotations defined by the library. Each of them allows for creation or modification of a code. Whenever programmer decides he or she needs one of the functionalities supplied with a framework, one can use annotation instead of manual creation of required code. Later, during project compilation, all the code is created/modified automatically according to instructions specified by a programmer with all the annotations that he or she used.
This project is a part of a Bachelor's diploma thesis in the field of Computer Science.
You can find user manual with feature description and example use cases here.
We use jtreg for testing negative and positive compilation scenarios. To set up environment for testing:
- Download jtreg from Downloads page
- Set up intellij plugin - instructions
- Set JTREG_HOME environment variable pointing to your jtreg home directory.
- Set jtreg home dir in jtreg settings in idea
Execute in kendal root directory:
make compilation-tests
- Add jtreg run configuration
- Select directory containing TEST.ROOT file as "Directory"
- Add options: #####On linux:
-cpa:handlers/target/classes:processor/target/classes -javacoption:-Xlint:none -agentvm -workDir tests/target/JTwork -reportDir tests/target/JTreport
#####On windows:
-cpa:handlers/target/classes;processor/target/classes -javacoption:-Xlint:none -agentvm -workDir tests/target/JTwork -reportDir tests/target/JTreport
Configuration will run all tests from selected directory.
- Kendal User Manual:
- Kendal Plugin repository:
- Diagrams describing Kendal Project:
- Diagrams describing javac:
- Thesis document repository:
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the MIT License for details.