Create cryptographic material used for an election:
- private / public key pair for the election
- universal cast-as-intended verifiability (UCIV) information for voters
This library is an implementation of Universal Cast-as-Intended Verifiability (PDF) by Alex Escala, Sandra Guasch, Javier Herranz, Paz Morillo.
[WIP] This library is still work in progress and not audited in any way. Use at your own risk.
generator_rs [keys | uciv] [-h | -v]
-h, --help Prints help information
-V, --version Prints version information
help Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
keys Generate a private/public keypair and write to private_key.json and public_key.json
uciv Generate UCIV information for voters and write to private_uciv.json and public_uciv.json
To create an ElGamal private/public keypair, run
generator_rs keys
This will create two files in the project directory:
Before you'll able to create public and private UCIV information, you have to generate a public key using the command described above.
Then, execute the following command, but replace
<number of voters>
with the number of voters participating in the election/vote<number of voting options>
with the amount of available voting options a voter can choose from
generator_rs uciv <number of voters> <number of voting options>
To build the library, run
cargo build
To generate an updated set of the docs, run
cargo doc --no-deps
To run this test, you need to have nightly rust installed:
rustup install nightly
Then run
rustup run nightly cargo bench