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Pipeline for pre-processing a multi-batch untargeted exometabolome experiment with XCMS on a HPC

4 June 2023
Tidying up with minor edits to the readme file.

Make sure to edit the slurm scripts so they send the email notifications to the right person. Also remember to edit the parameters in the R scripts to values appropriate for your experimental system.

Some steps before getting into the R/XCMS work

  1. Convert the .RAW files from the mass spectrometer into mzML files using msConvert (use this script in R: ms_convert_tool_Lumos_v2.r)
  2. Use SCP to transfer those files to Poseidon (we are putting the files into this folder: /vortexfs1/omics/kujawinski/data)
  3. Make a CSV file that contains the file names, ion mode, and good data markers. We do this from the sequence file that is created during the sample run and then add columns for 'ionMode' (can be pos or neg) and goodData (where we use 1 to keep data, and 0 to ignore a file, see exampleInfoFile.csv)
  4. Put this CSV file into the folder with the mzML files on Poseidon (again with SCP). It will be used to generate a metadata file used in various points of the analysis.

How to access Poseidon, WHOI's HPC computing environment

I used a Git Bash terminal window to log into poseidon. From WHOI's internal Information Systems' website, I learned I needed the following command: ssh The password is my WHOI Active Directory password. You have to be logged into the WHOI VPN for this to work.

Once you are logged into Poseidon, activate the conda module with module load anaconda/5.1

Moving around code - Windows 10 - GitHub - Poseidon (Krista's setup)

I forked Erin's GitHub repository and then used Git Bash (in a separate window from the bash window I use to access Poseidon) to first clone the GitHub repository onto my local desktop computer. On my local computer I use Geany to edit the text files. To get the files back to GitHub, I first had to futz around with setting up an SSH key in GitHub as I had not done that yet. I settled on using this set of commands to put the files I edit locally back into GitHub:

git add -A
git commit -am "Brief description goes here" (can use the bit in quotes to describe the update)
git push
(enter the passcode I use to get files to GitHub)

Then, in the bash window where I have Poseidon open, clone that repository:
git clone

For later updates, just change to the folder for this repository (UntargCode) and then use this command to move the files from GitHub to the HPC:
git pull or just git pull

Remember that if I edit the file here in GitHub (online), I need to do a local git pull before I can push any edits back to GitHub. I suspect there is a way around this with a more specific git command, but I haven't bothered to look into that.

In the event that you want to start all over again from the files that are in GitHub, from Poseidon enter this
git reset --hard HEAD

Create the conda environment you will need

You use conda to gather all the pieces you need: R and its various packages. For example, I needed R version 3.12 (or so) which required updating Erin's YML file. This is quite a process (read, hassle). To do this, you need to set up a conda environment, install all the packages in that environment, and export the yml file to use in the future. Erin's text file (oldFiles/create_untargmetab_conda_poseidon.txt) detailed what she did. Here's the steps that worked for me (after logging into Poseidon):
module load anaconda/5.1
conda config --add channels conda-forge (you cannot get R>3.6 from anaconda)
conda config --set channel_priority strict (may not be necessary)
conda search r-base (find the packages)
conda create -n r_4.0.5 (make the environment first, otherwise this hangs forever)
conda activate r_4.0.5 (activate it, nothing there yet)
conda install -c conda-forge r-base=4.0.5
conda install r-essentials
conda config --set restore_free_channel true (need to search older channels that are off by default to get xcms to install)
conda install bioconductor-xcms=3.12.0
conda install r-gtools
conda install bioconductor-camera=1.46.0
conda env export > untargKL4.yml

Note that you can search for new packages in the event you need to expand this YML file this way: conda search *bioconductor-spectra* and then you can see all the package options available

At this point you have your configuration file (the yml file), edit it locally to change the environment to be untargKL4 --> do this by setting the first row to name: untargKL4 and at the very end of the file, edit this prefix: /vortexfs1/home/klongnecker/.conda/envs/untargKL4. Then, go into the various slurm scripts which follow and change them all to read conda activate untargKL4

Install the conda environment via the yml file:
conda env create --file untargKL4.yml

You only have to create the environment once, anytime you want it in the future, just activate it: conda activate untargKL4

Remember that each sbatch command creates a new compute environment, so all the slurm scripts all have this statement in them: conda activate untargKL4 where untargKL4 is the name established by the yml file above. Also remember that you have activate the module with conda before doing anything (see above in the step about accessing Poseidon, repeating here because I keep forgetting).

Step 1: Create metadata

This is a quick R script to create a tab-delimited metadata file of all the sequence files (if you have multiple batches) and keep only the mzML files you want to peak pick and align (e.g. I remove the 9 conditioning pool samples here from each batch). Make sure you have added a column named ionMode (pos or neg) and goodData (0 or 1, see exampleInfoFile.csv) It will also add an extra column to the metadata with the path of each mzml file that is useful for later. You may need to edit the string used to match files in the create_metadata.R script. My file names did not have pos/neg in the name. Also, if you change the files you want (by changing goodData), make sure old rds files are removed from the output_dir/xcms1. Any rds files in that folder will get read into the final data file.

Before you run this, make a folder called logfiles_dir in your working folder on poseidon. I have yet to figure out how to get a script to do that, and it will fail without a place to put the logfiles.\

Set this up to send in ionMode as a variable so I don't have to edit all the slurm scripts each time I change ion mode
sbatch --export=ionMode="pos" scripts_dir/step1-metadata.slurm

Check how many files you have wc -l metadata_{neg/pos}.txt

Use this number in Step 2 to set the total number of array jobs that will be run.

Step 2: peak picking and peak shape evaluation

Run the peak picking and peak shape on each file individually with an array job. This step is an 'embarassingly parallel' computation so I use a job array to quickly process hundreds of files. I run 40 jobs at a time and each jobs takes about 20 minutes each. I filter the peaks based on RMSE < 0.125 Then use peak cleaning functions to remove wide peaks (<40 s) and merge neighboring peaks. For 500 files, it will take Step 3 about ~3 hours.

sbatch --export=ionMode="pos" scripts_dir/step2-xcms1.slurm

Step 3: combine picked peaks

To speed up peak picking, we performed peak picking as an array. Now combine into a single MS OnDisk object

sbatch --export=ionMode="pos" scripts_dir/step3-xcms_combine.slurm

Step 4: perform retention time correction, grouping and fill peaks

This will use xcms to clean up peak picking with refineChromPeaks, then perform orbiwarp retention time correction, correspondence (peak grouping), and fill peaks. As I ran a pooled sample every five samples in these batches, I use the subset option for retention time alignment and peak grouping. At each stage a new RData object is saved in case something crashes in the middle or you want to look at the files while they are running. Finally it will output two csv files, one with all of the peaks ("picked.csv") and the second with the feature count table ("aligned.csv")

Note: For reference, when I was testing this code with ~100 samples, I could run this on one 'small' memory node of 185GB. However, my actual dataset of 500+ samples required being run on the 'bigmem' partition with 500GB of memory. The refinechrompeaks and fill peaks steps require loading the original raw files and therefore required the bigmem memory space (obiwarp and correspondence require much less memory).

sbatch --export=ionMode="pos" scripts_dir/step4-xcms2.slurm

Step 5: Create an xset object

Both CAMERA and MetaClean will require your data object to be in the 'old' XCMS format. This script will create this object for you. Note the fix-around for the error thrown by sample class naming. I (Erin) had to use bigmem to make fillPeaks run. There is a note/comment that one step in create_xset.R makes and it will break the slurm script. Krista did some extra pieces to make this step work as a slurm script.

sbatch --export=ionMode="pos" scripts_dir/step5-create_xset.slurm

Now go back and repeat steps #1 through 5 for the other ion mode (or get smart and run pos/neg with each slurm script in pairs)

Step 6: Use CAMERA to create pseudospectra

Once you have both ion modes done, you are ready to run the script for CAMERA.
sbatch scripts_dir/step6-camera.slurm

Misc. handy functions

conda info --envs
conda search r-base
squeue -u klongnecker

This will let you open up an R window for testing on Poseidon (useful for testing):
srun -p compute --time=01:00:00 --ntasks-per-node=1 --mem=10gb --pty bash
conda activate untargKL4
source("create_xset.R") (for example - could run the create_xset.R script)

You can also edit text files on the HPC, though I confused myself keeping track of what is where when I did this. The most basic way to do this is
nano yourTextFile.txt
Then, when you run into issues with files changing in mulitple places
git stash

Other handy git commands: syncing a fork
git fetch someRepository
git checkout master
git merge someRepository/master

Setting up to use Jupyter notebook remotely on HPC

I thought I could avoid this, but in order to plot anything I needed to setup a way to access the data and the mzML files. I was tempted to mess around and change the paths in the R file, but then I would need to move 100 gb of files to my local computer. It took me multiple hoops to figure this out. Also, my local computer is running Windows 10, and I use Anaconda.
Log into the HPC site and activate the conda module with module load anaconda/5.1
Set up to require a password for Juypter notebook (You only have to do this once):
jupyter notebook --generate-config - this makes the .jupyter\ file
jupyter notebook password - this sets the password. Enter it twice, and remember it because you will need it later on the local computer.

Activate the right environment (if you have not already done so) with: conda activate untargKL4

Then I made a slurm script to launch jupyter notebook:
sbatch launch_jupyter.slurm

Once the script is run, use this to find the jobid: squeue -u klongnecker and then use that information to get the Poseidon node (e.g., 'pn083')

On my local computer, I used the Anaconda Power Shell. First activate the R environment using
conda activate Rstep1 and then run this ssh -L 8888:<port number>:8888

Open a browser window and enter: localhost:8888 and enter the password set above.

Description of the files

The final set of files generated by this analysis can be analyzed in R/MATLAB/Python, and/or submitted to GNPS for molecular networking analysis. The final set of files will in the /output_dir/xcms2/ folder and are described as follows:

  • 'SargPatch_untarg_{neg/pos}_aligned.csv'
    • This is the aligned set of mzRT features from the analysis, with one row per mzRT feature. In addition to information about mz value and retention time, there is one column for each sample with the peak areafor the sample
  • 'SargPatch_untarg_{neg/pos}_picked.csv'
    • This is an unaligned list of mzRT features, these are not grouped into peaks by samples but can be useful for troubleshooting
  • 'camera_{neg/pos}.csv'
    • This is the aligned set of mzRT features, with the adducts and isotopes determined from CAMERA. This is the best file to use in R/MATLAB/Python for downstream analysis
  • 'edgelist_{neg/pos}.csv'
    • This is a list of edges that is needed for the GNPS analysis.
  • 'fName_featureQuant_afterCAMERA_{neg/pos}.txt'
    • This is the aligned list of mzRT features, with CAMERA information, in a format that can be submitted to GNPS.
  • 'fName_featureQuant_all_{neg/pos}.txt'
    • This is a feature table, mzRT information and peak areas for samples, in a format that can be submitted to GNPS. This version includes all mzRT features.
  • 'fName_featureQuant_combined_{neg/pos}.txt'
    • This is feature table, mzRT information and peak areas for samples, in a format that can be submitted to GNPS. In this datafile, only features with MS2 information are included
  • 'ms2spectra_all_{neg/pos}.mgf'
    • This is an mgf file, which can be submitted to GNPS; this version contains every MS2 spectra
  • 'ms2spectra_combined_{neg/pos}.mgf'
    • This is an mgf file, which can be submitted to GNPS; this version combines MS2 spectra based on the metric set at step 4.

Note that the {neg/pos} in the file name indicates that two files are produced - one for negative ion mode and one for positive ion mode.


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  • Jupyter Notebook 98.3%
  • R 1.4%
  • Shell 0.3%