This is a simple Aliyun Function Compute (FC) written in Python which fetches the data in JSON format from the Exchange Rate API (go there to get a free key) and uploads it to an Aliyun OSS bucket. It is intended to be used in a custom container-sourced function triggered by a timer, but you can adapt it depeding on your needs.
- The file is not provided, as you may already have your own configuration file/system (perhaps even using the enviroment variables of the FC). Just replace the config.config dictionary members with your own cofiguration parameters.
- A sample Dockerfile in provided, which you might adjust to your use case.
- A sample requirements.txt file is provided, which you might adjust to your use case.
- The free API has certain quota, so setup the "cronjob" to be run every hour.
- Aliyun refers to Alibaba Cloud Services, but this code can be easily adapted to run in AWS Lambda, for instance.
- I am not affiliated in any way to Exchange-Rate-API. I found their API handy for some of my projects. You should check if their service suits your use case, both technically and legally. Also, I'm not responsible for the quality or fitness of their service. Use it at your own risk ;)
Copyright (c) 2023, Rodolfo González González.
Read the LICENSE file.