A console for any Love2D project
- basic REPL
- basic utf8 support
- basic text editor functionality
- copy/paste/cut/select all (ctrl + respective keys)
- selecting text (shift + left/right arrow)
- jump to begining/end of a word (ctrl + left/right arrow)
- jump to home/end (Home/End)
- history of executed commands (up/down arrows) (persistant between runs)
- color printing (|cRRGGBBAATEXT|r syntax or use cprint("rrggbb", text))
- qqq closes Love2D
- $exit closes console
- $clear clears output and history
- $git prints link to this repo
Copy console folder next to your main.lua:
| -- main.lua
| -- console
| | -- console.lua
| | -- <other console files>.lua
| ` -- font -
On top of your main file add:
local console_toggle = require("console.console")
In the love.textinput function add the following line, text should be replaced with whatever is your 1st argument name in love.textinput
Use ` to open console