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Currently, there are several ways to run/configure Trias:

Input file format

By default, Trias expects as input an ASCII text file containing one triple per line. Each triple consists of three numbers, separated by blanks. The first number represents the item in the first dimension, the second number the item in the second dimension and the third number the item in the third dimension. An example could be this file:

1 3 2
1 1 1
1 2 3

Here, the first line is a hyperedge between the items 1, 2, and 3.

It is important to note that the items in each dimension must be numbered consecutively, i.e., without holes, and beginning with 1. If that is not the case, you have to activate the HOLES option.

If you need other input formats, you can write a Java class which implements the interface. For more information on this, have a look at the Implementation.

Output file format

By default, Trias writes results into an ASCII file containing one tri-concept per line. The tri-concept (A,B,C) = ({1}, {3}, {2}) is written in the first line of the following example file:

1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0   A = {1, },  B = {3, },  C = {2, }
1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0   A = {1, },  B = {2, },  C = {3, }
1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0   A = {1, },  B = {1, },  C = {1, }

The numbers preceding the concepts are some scores about their size (volume) and can be used to grep/sort concepts of certain sizes.

If you need a custom output format, you can easily implement the interface to write one. For more information on this, have a look at the Implementation.


Command line arguments

TRIAS reads facts from STDIN and writes tri-concepts to STDOUT
java de.unikassel.cs.kde.trias.Trias X A B C dim0minsup dim1minsup dim2minsup HOLES|NOHOLES
 neccessary parameters are:
   X ... number of triples
   A ... number of items in dim0
   B ... number of items in dim1
   C ... number of items in dim2
   dim0minsup, dim1minsup, dim2minsup ... minimal support (absolut values!) for dim0, dim1, dim2
   HOLES|NOHOLES ...  HOLES = columns contain holes (i.e., numbers are missing), NOHOLES = opposite

You can use Java properties files to configure Trias. A simple example looks like that:

trias.input = /tmp/trias/test
trias.holes = false
trias.numberOfTriples = 3
trias.numberOfItemsPerDimension.0 = 1
trias.numberOfItemsPerDimension.1 = 3
trias.numberOfItemsPerDimension.2 = 3
trias.minSupportPerDimension.0 = 1
trias.minSupportPerDimension.1 = 1
trias.minSupportPerDimension.2 = 1
trias.output = /tmp/trias/test.tri

The syntax is pretty self-explanatory. Nevertheless, here the help output of the TriasPropertiesConfigurator:

The following properties are used for configuration:

trias.numberOfTriples ... number of triples
trias.numberOfItemsPerDimension.0 ... number of items in dim0
trias.numberOfItemsPerDimension.1 ... number of items in dim1
trias.numberOfItemsPerDimension.2 ... number of items in dim2
trias.input ... path to output file (default: STDIN)
trias.output ... path to output file (default: STDOUT)
trias.outputScores ... set to 'true', if scores for concepts should be printed (default: false)
trias.holes ... set to 'true', if the items are not numbered consecutively (default: false)
trias.delimiter ... a Java regular expression depicting, how the items of a triple are separated
trias.minSupportPerDimension.0 ... minimal number of items of dim0 to be in each tri-concept
trias.minSupportPerDimension.1 ... minimal number of items of dim1 to be in each tri-concept
trias.minSupportPerDimension.2 ... minimal number of items of dim2 to be in each tri-concept

As you can see, using properties files you can also change the item delimiter.

SOAP webapp

The module trias-webapp contains a webapp which can be deployed on a servlet container like Apache Tomcat and accessed over HTTP via SOAP.