An Elm library to suggest a correct domain when users misspell email addresses.
This is a port of mailcheck.js at
When your user types in "user@gmil.con", it will suggest "".
It is currently worth looking at the documentation at
4.1.0 2015/12/30
Thanks to for a pull request, he created the
`mailParts` function. I have retained `splitEmail` in API to make the version
change a Minor, but it now just uses the mailParts logic. Adrian also
contributed a few refactors I have pulled in manually.
5.0.0 2-18/09/07
Updated to Elm 0.19.
Removed splitEmail.
elm package install rluiten/elm-mailcheck
This uses elm-test for testing so install it if you dont have it.
- npm install -g elm-test
To run Tests
- elm-test
Copyright (c) 2016 Robin Luiten
module Main exposing (input1, input2, mailcheckResult1, mailcheckResult2, test1Pass, test2Pass)
import Mailcheck exposing (suggest)
input1 =
mailcheckResult1 =
suggest input1
test1Pass =
mailcheckResult1 == Just ( "user", "", "" )
input2 =
{- "" -}
mailcheckResult2 =
suggest input2
test2Pass =
mailcheckResult2 == Nothing
d1 =
Debug.log "mailcheckResult1" ( input1, mailcheckResult1, test1Pass )
d2 =
Debug.log "mailcheckResult2" ( input2, mailcheckResult2, test2Pass )
It is possible to provide your own list of domains, second level domains and top level domains.
module Main exposing (domains, input1, input2, input3, mailcheckResult1, mailcheckResult2, mailcheckResult3, secondLevelDomains, test1Pass, test2Pass, test3Pass, topLevelDomains)
import Mailcheck exposing (suggestWith)
domains =
[ "" ]
secondLevelDomains =
[ "supamail" ]
topLevelDomains =
[ "cosmic" ]
input1 =
mailcheckResult1 =
suggestWith domains secondLevelDomains topLevelDomains input1
test1Pass =
mailcheckResult1 == Just ( "test", "", "" )
input2 =
mailcheckResult2 =
suggestWith domains secondLevelDomains topLevelDomains input2
test2Pass =
mailcheckResult2 == Just ( "test", "fakedomain.cosmic", "test@fakedomain.cosmic" )
input3 =
mailcheckResult3 =
suggestWith domains secondLevelDomains topLevelDomains input3
test3Pass =
mailcheckResult3 == Just ( "test", "supamail.tld", "test@supamail.tld" )
_ =
Debug.log "mailcheckResult1" ( input1, mailcheckResult1, test1Pass )
_ =
Debug.log "mailcheckResult2" ( input2, mailcheckResult2, test2Pass )
_ =
Debug.log "mailcheckResult3" ( input3, mailcheckResult3, test3Pass )
Released under the BSD3 License.
(c) 2015 Robin Luiten