In order to run the experiment(s) locally, you'll need to install a few programs.
- MongoDB community edition (should work with most versions, currently using 6x)
- NodeJS (18.14.2 LTS)
Visual Code might be useful to debug, but it should not be strictly mandatory.
After installing MongoDB, you should have a program named MongoDBCompass. Open it and connect to the local default. Create a database named 'RLWMdb': it will run locally on your computer for debugging purposes
Clone the Github repo
CD in the 'RLWM' folder If you want to run the task online for real you need to:
- modify the MONGODB_URI to match your connection string given by your online MongoDB cluster
- switch NODE_ENV to 'production'
Type: npm install in the command line
Type: node app.js in the command line
The task should be available at http://localhost:3000/RLWM
Not that I coded a different version of the value-recall block (as compared to original paper). It is for now not included in the main JSPSYCH timeline.