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This project was generated with Angular CLI using Nrwl Nx.

Table of contents


This project consists of scope packages each containing at least one or more than one reusable components. Each of these packages will be built and deployed seperately but under the same scope @commons(for example: @commons/data-table). This repo will hold such packages for Angular version 7.x.x.


This project would require the following packages installed globally in your system:

Package Name Version
@angular/cli 7.0.1
@nrwl/schematics 7.1.1
ng-packagr 3.0.6
gulp ^4.0.0


All the packages will reside under the packages/ directory in the project's root directory. Follow the steps in the document to know how the packages can be generated here.

For instance, we have generated a package called data-table using the steps in the link above. The next step would be to add the configurations for the package in angular.json to register it as one of the apps.

    "projects" : {
        "docs": {
            // some app configurations
        "examples": {
            // app configs
        "data-table": {
            "root": "packages/data-table",
            "sourceRoot": "packages/data-table/src",
            "projectType": "library",
            "prefix": "cmn",
            "architect": {
                "test": {
                "builder": "@angular-devkit/build-angular:karma",
                "options": {
                    "main": "packages/data-table/test.ts",
                    "tsConfig": "packages/data-table/tsconfig.spec.json",
                    "karmaConfig": "packages/data-table/karma.conf.js"
                "lint": {
                "builder": "@angular-devkit/build-angular:tslint",
                "options": {
                    "tsConfig": [
                    "exclude": [

The next file that has to be modified is nx.json in the root directory.


This file provides the implicit dependencies hence, we would want our package to added here.

    "projects": {
        // every package has to be included here
        "data-table": {
        "tags": []
        "docs": {
        "tags": []
        "examples": {
        "tags": []

Follow the steps in the document to know how the building-blocks can be generated here.


All the applications for this project will reside under the apps/ directory in the project's root directory. There are two applications namely examples and docs already created inside the apps folder. Each app is a seperate angular application which can be built and deployed in different environments. Use the command below to run these two apps in the browser:

ng serve --project=docs  // this will run the docs app in a default port 4200
ng serve --project=examples  // this will run the examples app in a default port 4200

Just like packages, To create the components inside the just hit the following command:

ng generate component data-table --project=examples
ng generate component data-table --project=docs

Since the application for this projects are fixed to examples and docs, they have been configured in the angular.json already.


Building an application

Run ng build --project=examples to build examples application and ng build --project=docs to build the docs application. The build artifacts will be stored in the dist/ directory. Use the -prod flag for a production build.

Building a package

Package building will require following steps:

  • Ensure that package's version is updated in it's package.json (i.e for a package named data-table it's package.json file would be inside packages/data-table/ folder) file based on the npm's versioning technic.
  • Add the following command to your script array in the project's package.json file (i.e, in the root folder).
"build:data-table": "ng-packagr -p ./packages/data-table/ng-package.js && gulp copy --package data-table && cd packages/data-table/dist && npm pack"
  • Finally, run npm run build:data-table to package it.

Running unit tests

Run ng test --project=examples --watch to execute tests in examples app, ng test --project=docs --watch to execute tests in docs app and ng test --project=data-table --watch for package name called data-table via Karma.

Note: Don't forget to add --watch in the options.

Running end-to-end tests

Run ng e2e to execute the end-to-end tests via Protractor. Before running the tests make sure you are serving the app via ng serve.

Further help

To get more help on the Angular CLI use ng help or go check out the Angular CLI README.


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