Cookiecutter template for creating an Ansible role alongside Test-Kitchen.
I have grown used to, and love, developing Chef Cookbooks using a TDD approach with Test-Kitchen and Serverspec and wanted to develop my Ansible roles in a similar fashion. This Cookiecutter template quickly scaffolds everything needed to TDD an Ansible role.
Generate an Ansible role TDD-syle with:
Once the Ansible role project has been setup cd
into it and get the Rubygems
needed for running Test-Kitchen with:
bundle install
Edit the .kitchen.yml
to suit your specific needs, e.g. change the platform - the
template defaults to CentOS 6.6.
If you're not familiar with Test-Kitchen just run:
bundle exec kitchen -h
It is important that the root directory of the project/role is the same as the
role specified in the test Playbook at <root>/test/integration/default.yml
This gotcha might catch you out if you have your role in Github named something like
/ansible-tmux but the Playbook has just tmux
defined so remember to
keep this in mind when cloning you role repos.
Author:: Ross Timson,