Attack Defense Scripts for Local DNS Spoofing Attack #Based on Seed Security Labs - Local DNS Attacks
Hello Guys , this is the assignment repo.
The first stage is to setup a baseline attack :
*Create a test environment to test the codes (done using a virtual machines and spawning a local docker network to test on)
*Familiarization with DNS, local DNS spoofing attack, and its countermeasures.
Stage 1:
Deploy Local DNS Spoofing attack by replying to the user by a forged DNS reply before the DNS server response reaches him. Thus the Local DNS reply will be discarded. (Successful)
Detect Local DNS spoofing targeting the user packet by looking for multiple replies with different answers on the same query.
Stage 2:
@Attackers: Evade detectv1 using a stream of carefully spoofed DNS queries packet to bypass the user detection technique.
@Detectors: Detect attackv2 using resource<->ip dictionary indexing (stream analysis)
Stage 3:
Target the Local DNS cache, complicating things to the detectors.