These are my solutions to the exercises proposed in the Scala for the Impatient 2nd Edition Book. The implementation has been done using:
Scala 2.12.4
Scalatest 3.0.4
SBT 1.0.2
And the exercises are implemented in tests, using FreeSpec
in scalatest.
To run the tests / execute the exercises, you can run in the terminal:
sbt test
or to run just a specific chapter (XX):
sbt testOnly exercises.ChapterXX
IntelliJ IDEA users: With SBT 1.0.2 there is a bug where the IDE test runner does not work with a Scala version
other than 2.12.3. In the SBT 1.0.3 release, this issue will be fixed. In the meantime, you can downgrade Scala to
2.12.3 in the build.sbt file, or you can run the tests in an SBT shell instead.
Some exercises are plain questions, and there is no implementation to be done. For such cases, there is still a test
present, but it tests nothing, just displays the answers using a scalatest Informer
with info(…)
Ignored tests represent exercises that haven’t been completed yet, so it is easy to spot them.