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webapp with Temporal workflow backend

Sample golang web app with local db task queue and Temporal Cloud workflow backend interaction


Start local app database first

The sample mysql database has been configured to run using docker-compose locally and initialise the database with users and sample data.

cd mysql
docker-compose up -d
docker logs mysql

Sample data:

docker exec -it mysql mysql -u root -p
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.

mysql> describe moneytransfer.transfer;
| Field       | Type         | Null | Key | Default           | Extra             |
| id          | int unsigned | NO   | PRI | NULL              | auto_increment    |
| origin      | varchar(30)  | NO   | MUL | NULL              |                   |
| destination | varchar(30)  | NO   |     | NULL              |                   |
| amount      | float        | NO   |     | NULL              |                   |
| reference   | varchar(40)  | NO   |     | NULL              |                   |
| status      | varchar(30)  | NO   |     | NULL              |                   |
| t_wkfl_id   | varchar(50)  | YES  |     | NULL              |                   |
| t_run_id    | varchar(50)  | YES  |     | NULL              |                   |
| t_taskqueue | varchar(50)  | YES  |     | NULL              |                   |
| t_info      | varchar(250) | YES  |     | NULL              |                   |
| datestamp   | timestamp    | NO   |     | CURRENT_TIMESTAMP | DEFAULT_GENERATED |
11 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select id,origin,destination,amount,reference,status from moneytransfer.transfer;
| id | origin | destination | amount | reference        | status    |
|  1 | bill   | jim         |    120 | IOU              | REQUESTED |
|  2 | jane   | sally       |    107 | FOOD MONEY       | REQUESTED |
|  3 | ted    | harry       |    100 | CART123          | REQUESTED |
|  4 | bill   | ted         |     10 | transfer request | REQUESTED |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> quit

Temporal Cloud configuration

This example assumes that you have a temporal cloud configured and have local client certificate files for your namespace. The values are passed into the demo app using environment variables, example direnv .envrc file is included in the repo:

# direnv .envrc

# Temporal Cloud connection
# region: us-east-1
export TEMPORAL_NAMESPACE="myns.abcdf"

# tclient-myns client cert
export TEMPORAL_TLS_CERT="/Users/myuser/.temporal/tclient-myns.pem"
export TEMPORAL_TLS_KEY="/Users/myuser/.temporal/tclient-myns.key"

# Optional: path to root server CA cert
# Optional: Server name to use for verifying the server's certificate


# App temporal taskqueue name for moneytransfer
export TRANSFER_MONEY_TASK_QUEUE="go-moneytransfer"
# timer for transfer table to be checked (seconds)

# payload data encryption
export ENCRYPT_PAYLOAD=false

# Set to enable debug logger logging
export LOG_LEVEL=debug

# local mysql backend db connection
export MYSQL_HOST=localhost
export MYSQL_DATABASE=dataentry
export MYSQL_USER=mysqluser
export MYSQL_PASSWORD=mysqlpw

Custom Search Attribute

The demo app makes use of a custom search attribute that needs to be created in Temporal Cloud for the namespace:

Name: CustomStringField, Type: String

Usage in workflow:

workflow.go:  _ = UpcertSearchAttribute(ctx, "CustomStringField", "PROCESSING")
workflow.go:    _ = UpcertSearchAttribute(ctx, "CustomStringField", "FAILED")
workflow.go:    _ = UpcertSearchAttribute(ctx, "CustomStringField", "FAILED")
workflow.go:  _ = UpcertSearchAttribute(ctx, "CustomStringField", "COMPLETED")

Note: To simulate a banking service outage on an activity without the need to restart the workers there is a bank status UI in the Bank management app.

Start the webapp and navigate to view the local tasks

Start the webapp, by default it listens on port localhost:8085

go run webapp.go

Note: The webapp has a background activity thread that periodically polls the database transfer table on a go cron timer looking for entries with status "REQUESTED", if an entry is found it reads the oldest and updates it to "PROCESSING" and starts a corresponding Temporal Workflow. Example polling can be seen in the webapp terminal:

go run webapp.go
2023/06/06 11:36:22 Serve Http on 8085
2023/06/06 11:36:52 CheckTransferQueueTask: called
2023/06/06 11:36:52 QueryTransferRequest: called
2023/06/06 11:36:52 CheckTransferQueueTask: No transfers in queue.
2023/06/06 11:37:22 CheckTransferQueueTask: called
2023/06/06 11:37:22 QueryTransferRequest: called
2023/06/06 11:37:22 CheckTransferQueueTask: No transfers in queue.

When the transfer poll task does find a pending entry the log looks like:

2023/06/06 11:39:03 CheckTransferQueueTask: called
2023/06/06 11:39:03 QueryTransferRequest: called
2023/06/06 11:39:04 QueryTransferRequest: Transfer: {4 bill ted 10 transfer request PROCESSING}
2023/06/06 11:39:04 CheckTransferQueueTask: Transfer: {4 bill ted 10 transfer request PROCESSING}
2023/06/06 11:39:04 CheckTransferQueueTask: PaymentDetails: {bill ted transfer request 10}
2023/06/06 11:39:04 StartMoneyTransfer-72937: called, PaymentDetails: moneytransfer.PaymentDetails{SourceAccount:"bill", TargetAccount:"ted", ReferenceID:"transfer request", Amount:10}
2023/06/06 11:39:04 StartMoneyTransfer-72937: Starting moneytransfer workflow on go-moneytransfer task queue
2023/06/06 11:39:04 StartMoneyTransfer-72937: Started workflow: WorkflowID: go-txfr-webtask-wkfl-72937, RunID: 09d781d2-8d95-4926-a458-b6f2ac49ad37
2023/06/06 11:39:33 CheckTransferQueueTask: called
2023/06/06 11:39:33 QueryTransferRequest: called
2023/06/06 11:39:34 CheckTransferQueueTask: No transfers in queue.
2023/06/06 11:40:03 CheckTransferQueueTask: called
2023/06/06 11:40:03 QueryTransferRequest: called
2023/06/06 11:40:04 CheckTransferQueueTask: No transfers in queue.
2023/06/06 11:40:09 StartMoneyTransfer-72937: Workflow result: "Transfer complete (transaction IDs: W4081768757, D2204353735)"
2023/06/06 11:40:09 StartMoneyTransfer-72937: done.
2023/06/06 11:40:09 UpdateTransferRequest: called (Id: 4 COMPLETED )
2023/06/06 11:40:09 CheckTransferQueueTask: Workflow: go-txfr-webtask-wkfl-72937 Completed

Start the temporal Transfer worker

In a different terminal window to the webapp to separate the terminal log output displayed.

cd moneytransfer
go run worker/main.go

2023/06/06 11:27:05 Go worker starting..
2023/06/06 11:27:05 LoadClientOptions: myns.abcdf ~/.temporal/tclient-myns.pem ~/.temporal/tclient-myns.key   false true
2023/06/06 11:27:05 Go worker connecting to server..
2023/06/06 11:27:05 Go worker initialising..
2023/06/06 11:27:05 Go worker registering for Workflow moneytransfer.Transfer..
2023/06/06 11:27:05 Go worker registering for Activity moneytransfer.Withdraw..
2023/06/06 11:27:05 Go worker registering for Activity moneytransfer.Deposit..
2023/06/06 11:27:05 Go worker registering for Activity moneytransfer.Refund..
2023/06/06 11:27:05 Go worker listening on go-moneytransfer task queue..
2023/06/06 11:27:05 INFO  Started Worker Namespace myns.abcdf TaskQueue go-moneytransfer WorkerID 94006@gmini.local@

Note: the sample worker registers with the taskqueue to handle Workflow and Activity actions for the Transfer Workflow example

Temporal Cloud Web UI - Data Converter

If you are encrypting the workflow payload content as well then to inspect the workflow history data values you can connect to a localhost codec server that implements /decode url configured for the same dataconverter used in your temporal client app code.

Start the local codec server (in a new terminal window) using:

cd dataconverter/codec-server-go
go run server.go

2023/06/06 11:48:46 Serve Http on 8888

WebApp Transfers UI

List Transfers


New Transfer


Note: Currently the account names need to match the list hardcoded in banking-client.go:61 mockBank var
Update-20230608: Updated the banking-client to populate the account names from the mysql db accounts table instead of the hardcoded mockbank variable.

Transfer Details (COMPLETED)


Transfer Details (FAILED)


Note: This failed as ted's account was configured with 10 and a transfer of 100 was requested.

    {AccountNumber: "ted", Balance: 10},

The Activity retry policy will keep retrying unless the activity returns specific error types listed:

    NonRetryableErrorTypes: []string{"InvalidAccountError", "InsufficientFundsError"},


Test some failure states

Two workers, second one picks up workflow where left by "failed" worker

There is a sleep timer between the Withdraw and Deposit Activities. This allows two workers to be started and the one that is sleeping exited to observe the other picking up the transaction where it was left off.


Simulate Banking Client unavailable

You can disable the Banking app Deposit function by setting the Bank Open/Closed status in the Bank App UI:


The Activity return policy does not contain:

func (m *BankIntermittentError) Error() string {
  return "Banking Service currently unavailable"

so the activity will loop retrying, backing off etc..


Change the bank status back to Open to simulate bank back up.


Notice the Workflow History for the affected Withdraw or Deposit Activity will have a multiple retry count:



Sample golang web app with workflows






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