This lightweight shell script is designed to recursively check a target directory for Git repositories, stage all changes, and commit them to the _asd_
branch (creating the branch if it doesn't already exist) with a message indicating the number of modified files. The script will run as a background daemon, checking for changes every 15 minutes.
Common Linux/UNIX binaries must be installed and available in the $PATH
, to search you can use:
$ which git find printf
Note printf
can be replaced with echo
in shell script if desired.
Clone git repository and make the script executable using chmod +x
. Optionally, copy it to /usr/sbin/autosaved
to access as a deamon. Instructions for usage can be printed using -h
help text argument.
[autosaved]::git autocommit daemon
Automatically stage and commits change to '_asd_' branch every 15 minutes
Usage: autosaved --target DIRECTORY [--branch BRANCH] [--delay DELAY]
--target ASD_TARGET Required. Spcify directory to watch for git repo(s), recursively.
--branch ASD_BRANCH Optional. Default value '_asd_'. Specify git branch to commit changes.
--delay ASD_DELAY Optional. Default value '900'. Specify thread sleep delay.
The script will display status information, including these events to stdout
When the script starts checking for changes
When changes are committed
When the script is sleeping
Please make sure to test this script in a safe and controlled environment before using it on important data. The script is provided as-is and the author is not responsible for any potential data loss or corruption.
Project made available under GPLv3 License, refer to LICENSE.