⚡️ Geometry Rendering ⚡️ Texturing ⚡️ Scene Representation ⚡️ Lighting (Blinn-Phong) ⚡️ Bump Maping ⚡️ Shadows ⚡️ Skybox ⚡️ Refraction ⚡️ Deferred Rendering ⚡️ Bloom ⚡️ HDR ⚡️ Gamma Correction ⚡️ WYSIWYG Editor ⚡️ Content Browser ⚡️ Shader Editor ⚡️ Cascaded Shadows ⚡️ Particles ⚡ Scene Serialization ⚡️ Remote Shared Editing ⚡️ Decals ⚡️ Automatic Instanced Rendering ⚡️ Guizmos ⚡️ Reflections ⚡️ Ambient Oclussion ⚡️ Logger ⚡️ Space Partitioning
- Clone the repository
- Unzip content files
- Open and build using Visual Studio 2023
- SDL 2 - Minimal API to create a window and manage input
- ImGUI - Light-weight GUI building API
- GLM - OpenGL Mathematics
- ASSIMP - Multi-format Model Loader
- nlohmann::json - To support Json files within c++
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.
NOTE: All images used in this project are copyright-free and available for non-commercial use