released this
02 Nov 23:56
(Add) Program start elapsed seconds on Log
(Add) Lift heights @ speeds, retract speed, light-off information to status bar
(Fix) Per layer settings are being lost when doing operations via tools that changes the layer count
(Fix) Current layer height mm was being calculated instead of showing the stored position Z value (For hacked files)
(Fix) Zip: By using hacked gcodes were possible to do a lift sequence without returning back to Z layer position
(Fix) ZCodex: Read per layer lift height/speed, retract speed and pwm from GCode
(Fix) Status bar, layer top and bottom bar: Break content down for the next line if window size overlaps the controls
(Fix) Status bar: Make right buttons same height as left buttons
(Improvement) CWS: Better gcode parser for decoding
(Change) GCodes: Cure commands (Light-on/Cure time/Light-off) are only exposed when exposure time and pwm are present and greater than 0 [Safe guard]
(Change) Zip: If only one G0 command found per layer, it will be associated to the cure z position (No lift height)
(Change) Merged bottom/normal exposure times on status bar
(Change) Tabs: Change controls spacing from 5 to 2 for better looking
(Change) Deploy UVtools self-contained per platform specific: (#89 )
Platform optimized
Reduced the package size
Includes .NET Core assemblies and dont require the installation of .NET Core
Can execute UVtools by double click on "UVtools" file or via "./UVtools" on terminal
Naming: UVtools_[os]-[architecture]_v[version].zip
"universal" zip file that includes the portable version, os and architecture independent but requires dotnet to run, these build were used in all previous versions
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