A WordPress plugin to improve the look and behavior of YouTube videos on WordPress.
- hide title and text info
- simplify controls
- don't show suggested videos on completion
- "modest branding"
- "dark" theme
- use HD if available
- apply responsive iframe via fitvids.js
We filter oembed_result
& embed_oembed_html
- replace any youtube playlist iframes with our own playlist code (looks for youtube links like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xxx&list=yyy), or
- wrap youtube iframes in fitvid divs & add extra parameters, or
- wrap vimeo iframes in .fitvid divs
We filter get_the_excerpt
to wrap all iframes in fitvid divs.
We filter the_content
to replace <p></a></li>
with </a></li>
Then we have js to:
- run fitvids (responsive size) on .fitvid divs
- make .custom-playlist a magnific popup
- control display/interaction of playlists
To locate content to test for this plugin:
- Many sites have a page like 'page-for-testing' that often contains youtube/vimeo videos
- Mysql query for youtube/vimeo embeds not already wrapped in an inframe or
SELECT ID, post_date, post_content, post_name, post_type FROM posts WHERE post_content REGEXP '(youtube|vimeo)[^[:space:]]+\?[^[:space:]]+' AND post_content NOT REGEXP '(src|href)=.*(youtube|vimeo)' AND post_status = 'publish' AND post_type NOT IN ('oembed_cache') ORDER BY post_date DESC;
- Mysql query for youtube playlists:
SELECT ID, post_date, post_content, post_name, post_type FROM 1Vb8MV_posts WHERE post_content REGEXP 'youtu[^[:space:]]+\?[^[:space:]]+list=[^[:space:]]' AND post_status = 'publish' AND post_type NOT IN ('oembed_cache') ORDER BY post_date DESC;
To enable the nice visual playlist generator, you must obtain a google API key that has the YouTube Data API v3 enabled and place it in your wp-config.php file:
define('YOUTUBE_API_KEY', 'yourAPIkey-XX0XX0XX0XX0-000-XXXXXXXXX-00)
- Add options screen to enable/disable playlist feature, choose options for player display, etc.