When we tested the Community Figma plugins to export our DS variables, we figured out that we have some specificities, like the color structure and the different themes/modes. So, we decided to use Figma's plugin architecture to develop a small plugin that gets all the variables and creates a single JSON with the structure we need to create the tokens.
Below are the steps to get your plugin running. You can also find instructions at:
This plugin template uses Typescript and NPM, two standard tools for creating JavaScript applications.
First, you need to clone this repo:
git clone git@github.com:storyblok/design-tokens-figma-plugin.git
Then, install the dependencies
# install the dependencies
And finally just build the code to install it in Figma:
# build just once
yarn build
# watch the changes
yarn watch
Then, import the plugin using the option Plugins -> Development -> Import plugin from manifest (this option is only available on Figma Desktop)
To execute it, just select it from the option in the Plugins -> Development section.
When you have the plugin ready, you need to click on "Export Variables" to export these variables into a JSON, then click on "Download" to download them into a tokens.json file.
With this file, you need to copy it or save it in storyfront/packages/design-tokens folder. There, you can create a js file to execute the following code snippet:
The following code works in a CommonJS environment
const tokens = require('./tokens.json')
const fs = require('fs')
for (const key in tokens) {
const token = tokens[key]
const tokenContent = token.content
fs.writeFileSync(`./tokens/${key}`, JSON.stringify(tokenContent, null, 2))
This one is about the ESModules environment (please, use it instead):
import tokens from './tokens.json' assert { type: 'json' }
import fs from 'fs'
for (const key in tokens) {
const token = tokens[key]
const tokenContent = token.content
fs.writeFileSync(`./tokens/${key}`, JSON.stringify(tokenContent, null, 2))
This code snippet just gets the tokens.json file and splits it into separate JSONs following the folder structure in storyfront/packages/design-tokens folder