Hi. My name is Suyash Shivaji Phatak and this is my project which I have done during the udemy course of Machine Learning named Machine Learning A to Z. The tools and libraries really helped me to complete this project succesfully. I have searched and collected data from different websites for my project. But for now, I have used a limited data to train my model and predict the variable. From this project, I want to get the knowledge of the simple linear regression and understand and implement in real life. I will be creating this project again with complex data and multiple features and I will use multiple linear regression to predict the variables.
In this notebook, I have created a predictor using simple linear regression. Here, I will be using single feature that is number of cases as a depedent variable and number of days as a independent variable. We will be predicting the number of cases for a particular date. I have explained some of the code and libraries that we are using in this project. I have collected the data of Number of cases of COVID-19 in the month of June only that is 30 days.
The accuracy of prediction is 97.532% when compared to the original database.
Clone this repo to your local machine using https://github.com/suyashphatak23/Simple-COVID-19-Predictor
- Clone the repository or open the jupyter notebook using Google Colab or Anaconda IDE or Local Jupyter Notebook.
- Make sure the dataset set should be in the same location where the notebook is.
- Then run the code blocks sequentially, you will get the output.
Note: While running the notebook locally, you should have all the python libraries such as scikit-learn, pandas, matplotlib and numpy.