tspace-nfs is a NFS stands for Network File System and provides both server and client capabilities for accessing files over a network.
Install with npm:
npm install tspace-nfs --save
import { NfsServer } from "tspace-nfs";
new NfsServer()
// localhost:8000/studio
onCredentials : async ({ username , password }) => {
// The simple example, you can use any database or another to a wrapper check the credentials for studio.
const credentials = [
buckets : ['*'],
username: 'root',
password: '',
const find = credentials.find(v => v.username === username && v.password === password )
const result = {
logged : find == null ? false : true, // if true can login
buckets : find == null ? [] : find?.buckets
return result
onBucketCreated : async ({ token , secret , bucket }) => {
// The simple example, you can use any database or another to store data.
token , secret , bucket
onLoadBucketCredentials : async () => {
// The simple example, you can use any database or another to get the credentials.
const credentials = [
token : 't',
secret : 's',
bucket : 'b'
token : 't1',
secret : 's1',
bucket : 'b1'
token : 't2',
secret : 's2',
bucket : 'b2'
return credentials
.onLoadBucketLists(async () => {
// The simple example, you can use any database or another to inform the server about the available bucket lists.
return await new Promise(r => setTimeout(() => r(['b1','b2']), 200));
.onCredentials(async ({ token , secret , bucket }) => {
// The simple example, you can use any database or another to a wrapper check the credentials.
const lists = [
token: 'token-dev',
secret: 'secret-dev',
bucket : 'dev'
return lists.every(list => list.bucket === bucket && list.secret === secret && list.token === token)
.onMonitors(async ({ host, memory , cpu }) => {
console.log({ host, memory , cpu })
.progress() // view the progress of the file upload.
.defaultPage(`<b> hello nfs-server! </b>`)
.directory('upload') // by default nfs
expired : 60 * 60 * 24, // 24 hours by default 1 hour
secret : 'credential-secret'
}) // the credentials will auto refresh every expired
.fileExpired(60 * 15) // 15 minutes by default 1 hour
.listen(8000 , ({ port }) => console.log(`Server is running on port http://localhost:${port}`))
import { NfsClient } from "tspace-nfs";
const nfs = new NfsClient({
token : '<YOUR TOKEN>', // token
secret : '<YOUR SECRET>', // secret
bucket : '<YOUR BUCKET>', // bucket name
url : '<YOUR URL>' // https://nfs-server.example.com
.default('_default/uploads') // default folder prefix every the path
.onError((err, nfs) => {
console.log('nfs client failed to connect')
.onConnect((nfs) => {
console.log('nfs client connected')
// example
(async () => {
const fileDirectory = 'my-folder/my-cat.png'
const url = await nfs.toURL(fileDirectory , {
download : false, // default download true
expired : 60 * 60 // seconds default expired 1 hour
exists : true // default exists false for check if the file exists
const base64 = await nfs.toBase64(fileDirectory)
const stream = await nfs.toStream(fileDirectory)
const file = req.files.file[0] // assume the file from your upload
const { path , size , name , url } = await nfs.save({ // can you use nfs.upload too
file : file.tempFilePath,
name : 'my-video.mp4',
folder : 'my-folder'
await nfs.saveAs({ // can you use nfs.uploadBase64 too
base64 : Buffer.from(file.tempFilePath).toString('base64'),
name : 'my-video.mp4',
extension : 'mp4',
folder : 'my-folder'
const deleted = await nfs.delete(fileDirectory)
const folders = await nfs.folders()
const storage = await nfs.storage()