An easy to use Command and Query Bus.
The mediator serves dual purpose as both the Command Bus and the Query Bus.
var id:String = generateGuid();
var name:String = "New User";
var passwordHash:String = MD5.calculate(password);
var mediator:IMediator = factory.resolve(IMediator);
mediator.send(new RegisterUserCommand(id, name, passwordHash));
mediator.request(new GetUserQuery(id)).then(
function onFulfilled (user:User):* {
// use the user here
function onRejected (error:Error):* {
// report error here
In order for the mediator to know which Handler to use for each Command or Query, the Handler must be registered with the IoC container.
Commands are simple value objects that carry the state needed by the CommandHandler.
public class RegisterUserCommand extends Command
private var _id:String;
private var _name:String;
private var _passwordHash:String;
public function RegisterUserCommand(id:String, name:String, passwordHash:String)
this._id = id;
this._name = name;
this._passwordHash = passwordHash;
public function get id():String
return this._id;
public function get name():String
return this._name;
public function get passwordHash():String
return this._passwordHash;
The CommandHandler mutates global state without any return value.
public class RegisterUserHandler extends CommandHandler
private var _userRepository:IUserRepository;
public function RegisterUserHandler(userRepository:IUserRepository)
// Registers the supported Command class
_userRepository = userRepository;
protected override function handleCommand(command:*):void
var user:RegisterUserCommand = command;
_userRepository.add(,, user.passwordHash);
Queries are simple value objects that carry the state needed by the QueryHandler.
public class GetUserQuery extends Query
private var _id:String;
public function GetUserQuery(id:String)
this._id = id;
public function get id():String
return this._id;
The QueryHandler returns the Promise of a value without mutating global state.
public class GetUserHandler extends QueryHandler
private var _userRepository:IUserRepository;
public function GetUserHandler(userRepository:IUserRepository)
// Registers the supported Query class
_userRepository = userRepository;
protected override function handleQuery(query:*):Promise
var user:GetUserQuery = query;
return Promise.when(_userRepository.get(;
Promises represent a future value; i.e., a value that may not yet be available. A Promise's then()
method is used to specify onFulfilled
and onRejected
callbacks that will be notified when the future value becomes available.
var promise:Promise = mediator.request(new GetUserQuery(id));
function onFulfilled (user:User):* {
// use the user here
function onRejected (error:Error):* {
// report error here
Asbus uses promise-as3 for it's Promise implementation.
IoC Container
The IoC container is used for binding object together at runtime. In addition to being the platform for registering Commands and Queries, it will also resolve the dependencies used by the Handlers.
var factory:FluentAsFactory = new FluentAsFactory();
var handler:IQueryHandler = factory.fromScope(GetUserQuery).resolve(IQueryHandler);
// The handler variable is an instance of GetUserHandler which required an IUserRepository in its constructor.
// The IoC container passed an singleton instance of the InMemoryUserRepository into the GetUserHandler constructor to fulfill this dependency.
Asbus uses asfac for it's IoC container.
This content is released under the MIT License (See LICENSE.txt).