Helps you deal with your growing number of .NET Resource files by quickly showing you the differences and similarities between them as well as performing simple operations on them.
You can install ResxDiff via the Chocolatey package manager.
C:\> cinst resxdiff
Or build it yourself (scroll down for build instructions).
$ ResxDiff --help
ResxDiff 0.1
Copyright (C) 2012 Tom Wadley
Usage: ResxDiff [OPTION]... [FILE]
Usage: ResxDiff [OPTION]... [FILE1] [FILE2]
Usage: ResxDiff [OPTION]... [FILE]...
Displays information about .resx files, shows differences between .resx files
and performs operations on .resx files
-m, --missing-keys Finds keys present in the first file which
are missing in the second
-p, --present-keys Finds keys that are present in both the
first and the second file
-d, --different-values Finds keys present in both files whos
values differ
-i, --identical-values Finds keys present in both files with
identical values
-s, --mismatched-metadata Finds keys present in both files which
have differing metadata (type, mimetype,
space or comment)
-u, --duplicate-keys Finds keys that appear more than once
-e, --missing-spacepreserve Finds keys that are missing the
xml:space="preserve" attribute
-c, --copy-missing-keys Copies missing keys from the first file to
the second
-v, --copy-different-values Copies differing values from the first
file to the second
-a, --alphabetise Sorts keys into alphabetical order
-r, --add-missing-spacepreserve Adds xml:space="preserve" attributes to
keys that don't have it
-f, --full-data Shows all fields from the data elements
--help Display this help screen.
This is using a VS2010 solution file. Dependencies are installed via NuGet. Package restore has been enabled for this solution. That means that in order to build, you have to be running a recent version of NuGet and have "Allow NuGet to download missing packages during build" enabled in the settings as shown here.
Note: if you having trouble upgrading NuGet, see this
After the dependencies have been downloaded by NuGet, it should build. Run the exe in place or put it somewhere in your path for convenient access.
MIT licenced. Pull requests appreciated :)