Releases: tum-ewk/message_ix_south_africa
Updated baseline acc. to corrigendum
In the original article, there were two errors. First, for historical vintages of some power plants, in- and output coefficients of commodities and emission coefficients were missing. This affected only very few older plants and mostly in the near-term, i.e. the early modeling periods (2020, 2030). Second, there was a bug in the post-processing script that calculates total installed capacity of technologies. Instead of summing over different vintages, the script was summing over different years of activity which led to most notable deviations for some emerging conversion technologies (e.g., solar PV).
In this release those two errors are fixed.
Scripts and data for Frontiers publication
This release contains the scripts and data for the following manuscript:
Clara Luisa Orthofer (@ClaraLuisa) , Daniel Huppmann (@danielhuppmann) , and Volker Krey (@volker-krey).
South Africa After Paris - Fracking Its Way to the NDCs?
Frontiers in Energy Research 7(20), 2019
doi: 10.3389/fenrg.2019.00020