Converter from JSON to font variables for CSS
Install the module with: npm install json2fontcss
// Compilation
var json2fontcss = require('json2fontcss'),
params = {
chars: [
{'name': 'github', 'value': 'e0000'},
{'name': 'twitter', 'value': 'e0001'},
{'name': 'rss', 'value': 'e0002'}
fonts: {
svg: 'public/fonts/font.svg',
ttf: 'public/fonts/font.ttf',
eot: 'public/fonts/font.eot',
woff: 'public/fonts/font.woff'
fontFamily: 'my-icon-set',
format: 'stylus'
stylus = json2fontcss(params);
// Result (Stylus)
$github_font_family = "my-icon-set";
$github_value = "\e0000";
$github = "my-icon-set" "\e0000";
icon($char) {
&:before {
// Inside of your Stylus
.github-icon {
exposes a single function.
* Convert font character info into CSS variables
* @param {Object} params Container for parameters
* @param {Object[]} params.chars Information about each character mapping
* @param {String} Variable name for character
* @param {String} params.chars.value Hexadecimal UTF8 value for character
* @param {Object} params.fonts Font type keys to font url paths (e.g. {less: '../font.svg'})
* @param {String} [params.fontFamily="icon-font"] Optional name for font-family
* @param {String} [params.template="json"] Optional template to generate with
* @param {Mixed} [params.options={}] Optional options for template
* @returns {String} Pre-processor ready CSS generated from specified template
Templates are managed via
json2fontcss.templates; // Object containing key-value pairs of template engines
json2fontcss.addTemplate(name, fn); // Utility to add new templates
json2fontcss.addMustacheTemplate(name, tmpl); // Utility to add new mustache templates
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Copyright (c) 2013 Todd Wolfson
Licensed under the MIT license.