- Uday Singh -udaysingh288
This project is predicting the fluctuations of cryptocurrency Ethereum using the Twitter Sentiments and Reddit posts.
- Ethereum pricing data (Timeline: September 28th,2017 to March 18th,2018) from Coinmarketcap API.
- Tweets of the same timeline extracted using Tweepy and Textscraper libraries.
We tested LSTM deep learning model first using historical prices to predict future prices of cryptocurrency. The predictions were not strong enough to predict the fluctuations in the price.
We tested our data on various Regression models including Multiple Linear regression ,SVR and Random forest and found the most accurate results in Random Forest Regression The predicted prices plot and statistics of the prediction have been included in the repository.
This project uses Open Source tool called vaderSentiment which has been used for the sentiment analysis of tweets and reddit posts. You can find the source code of the open source project along with license information below. We acknowledge and are grateful to the developer for the contributions to open source.
Project: vaderSentiment https://github.com/cjhutto/vaderSentiment