PostFoo helps you keep track of your finances and information for you and your family
This is deployed @ and server at
First thing
npm install cp .env.example .env
Run the server:
npm run dev
├── .github (GitHub actions)
├── .vscode (VS Code editor settings)
├── build (Build output)
├── node_modules (Dependencies)
├── .env (Environment variables)
├── .env.example (Sample environment variables to get started)
├── .gitignore (Files to ignore)
├── .nvmrc (Node version for nvm/project)
├── codegen.yml (GraphQL codegen config)
├── next.config.mjs (Next.js config)
├── eslint.config.mjs (ESLint config)
├── postcss.config.mjs (PostCSS config)
├── tailwind.config.mjs (Tailwind CSS config)
├── tsconfig.json (TypeScript config)
├── components.json (shadcn/ui components config)
├── package.json
├── assets
│ └── fonts (Fonts)
├── public (Static files)
└── src
├── app (Components for page/url)
├── components (Reusable components)
│ ├── commons (Common components)
│ ├── layouts (Layout components)
│ ├── providers (Providers components)
│ └── ui (shadcn/ui components)
├── generated (Generated graphql file)
├── graphql
│ ├── fragments (Fragments for GQL queries and mutations)
│ ├── mutations (GQL mutations)
│ └── queries (GQL queries)
├── styles (Reusable styles)
└── utils
├── constants.ts (Constants routes, etc.)
├── form.ts (Form validation helper schemas)
├── history.ts (History helper functions)
├── logger.ts (Logging helper functions)
├── react-query-fetcher.ts (Common fetcher for tanstack/react-query)
├── storage.ts (Local storage helper functions)
├── supported-browsers.ts (Contains regex for supported browsers `npm run supportedBrowsers`)
├── toast.ts (Toast helper functions)
├── types.ts (Commonly used custom types)
└── utils.ts (Reusable helper functions)
On local, we do not send SMS. You can use a fake number like +1234567890
and can see sms code in the console.
- Create a fragment of the shape you want to query in
fragment FundResponse on Fund {
- Query can be defined in
query funds($input: FundsInput!) {
funds(input: $input) {
- Generate the GQL code
npm run codegen
- Import and run generated query
import { useFundsQuery } from 'src/generated/graphql'
Deployments are done manually by triggering the Deploy script.
Generally reading the code should get you the gist of what are the general guidelines. But there has to be some proper documentation in place soon.
- Add a prettier
- Add a e2e testing