The map below might be useful to get quick bearings
Note: To make the map reasonably orderly, only the most significant relationships are displayed
To install the packages:
yarn install
To generate the types and compile the contracts with the new ABI:
yarn hardhat compile
To get local rpc accounts:
yarn hardhat accounts
To get the configured safe account:
yarn hardhat safe
Run ganache server to run a local RPC:
yarn hardhat node --no-deploy
Setup environment variables:
cp .env.example .env
GNOSIS_SAFE_ADDRESS | Governance/fees address (can also be a normal address) |
MNEMONIC | Mnemonic of the wallet to be used for deployments |
SAFE_SERVICE_URL | Gnosis safe service url (to submit tx proposals) |
UNICROW_FEE | Unicrow fee (in bips) |
ETHERSCAN_API_KEY | Only used for contract verification |
ARBISCAN_API_KEY | Only used for contract verification |
Deploy the Unicrow contracts (directly) on your local node:
yarn deploy:local
Deploy the Unicrow contracts on Arbitrum One (via the Gnosis Safe):
yarn deploy:arbitrum:viasafe
Deploy the Unicrow contracts (directly) on Arbitrum Sepolia testnet:
yarn deploy:arbitrumSepolia
Deploy the Unicrow contracts on Base (via the Gnosis Safe):
yarn deploy:base:viasafe
Deploy the Unicrow contracts on Base Sepolia testnet (via the Gnosis Safe):
yarn deploy:baseSepolia:viasafe
It is recommended running the tests (see below) to test interactions with the contracts, but it is possible to do it using the console too by running a console instance first and then attaching an address.
Open the console:
yarn hardhat console --network development
Initiate a contract:
let unicrow = ethers.getContractFactory("Unicrow") // Replace "Unicrow" for a name of any other contract
unicrow = await unicrow.attach("address_of_the_contract_here"); // address you got during the deployment
Call the contract function:
await{ paramters })
Run the tests locally:
yarn hardhat test --network localhost