version: 0.0.1
description: Fastlog is a C/C++ library for fast/realtime logging
Fast log is a fast system logger, faster than syslog or file based. It is designed for Linux based, user space, high performance, real time systems. Have a look at doc/DESIGN.txt for more info.
- do utilities for real time logging and performance monitoring on linux.
- check that TSC is synchronized between CPUS.
- tools for measuring performance via TSC.
- syslog logger which matches the syslog API but which is tuned for real time (stores all logs in RAM). It guarantees order between logs and can add TSC to logs.
- a utility to recover the log from a coredump of a failed process that used the logger (Yay!).
- fast log library which logs everything in preallocated RAM and possibly a user space tool to peek into that RAM. It gives you an API to clear the log so that it doesn"t become congested.
- maybe a kernel module to give you contiguous space to log to?
Mark Veltzer, Copyright © 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025