.Net client library for Jellyfin's API.
Using the [.NET Core command-line interface (CLI) tools][dotnet-core-cli-tools]:
dotnet add package Villagralabs.Jellyfin.ApiClient
Using the [NuGet Command Line Interface (CLI)][nuget-cli]:
nuget install Villagralabs.Jellyfin.ApiClient
Using the [Package Manager Console][package-manager-console]:
Install-Package Villagralabs.Jellyfin.ApiClient
From within Visual Studio:
- Open the Solution Explorer.
- Right-click on a project within your solution.
- Click on Manage NuGet Packages...
- Click on the Browse tab and search for "Villagralabs.Jellyfin.ApiClient".
- Click on the Villagralabs.Jellyfin.ApiClient package, select the appropriate version in the right-tab and click Install.
var client = new JellyfinClient(uri, new UserAuthentication(clientName, deviceName, deviceId, applicationVersion));
var authResponse = await Client.AuthenticateUserAsync(username, password);
JellyfinModel.ItemFilters filters = JellyfinModel.ItemFilters.Create()
var itemsResponse = await Client.GetItemsAsync(authResponse.User.Id.ToString(), filters);