Everest (formerly RESTaurant) is an upcoming REST API testing client written in JavaFX.
Everest running on Windows 10.
- Unlike other REST clients like Postman and Insomnia, Everest is written in Java. Thus, it is significantly lighter on resources and more responsive than the Electron-based options. The goal with Everest is to provide pretty much the same level of functionality as the other options, but in a lighter, native but equally slick package. It is a big and slightly arrogant bet, but then I don't think anyone other than me would use this! So heck, at least I'll learnt a lot. Not bad for a Comp Sci student, eh?
- In all of my projects, design is of paramount importance. And Everest is no exception. With a gorgeous, flat design and a neutral color scheme, Everest is a pleasure to look at and to work with. I want you to want to use it!
- Being a Java application, Everest is inherently cross-platform. It will run anywhere there's a JVM.
- Everest is powered by Jersey, the robust and powerful Java library to build and consume RESTful web services.
Making a GET request with Everest.
- GET, POST, PUT, DELETE and PATCH requests.
- Adding request headers, query parameters and the request body (raw, octet-stream, URL-encoded or form-data)
- Response details (HTTP status code, response type, time, size)
- Custom themes! I encourage you to develop new themes by taking reference of Adreana. I plan on documenting it better in the future. Changing themes needs a manual edit to
. This will be properly integrated into a Settings menu soon. 🌈 - Multi-tab layout. I'm battling with JavaFX to allow me to add a simple '+' button for adding a new tab. So far, not successful. However, you can use the Ctrl+T keyboard shortcut.
- History tab! All the requests you ever made are now shown to the left of the app. 🕒
- Searching through your request history. Everest searches not just on the basis of the request target but all other parameters that form the request including headers, the request body, query parameters and even file names. It will intelligently rank the results on the basis of their relevance. 🔎
- Everest now maintains its state between sessions so you don't lose your work. 🧠
- Visualizer You can now view JSON responses just as you would your file tree. Support for XML coming up next!
Everest's search feature in action.
- Syntax highlighting: I had tried using RichTextFX for my text editor, Ballad, and failed. And I really don't wish to embed an online editor like Ace into Everest. So, for the time being, I'm gonna use JavaFX's inbuilt TextArea which doesn't offer syntax highlighting.
- API Authentication: This is of course a primary feature of any REST client, but currently, not something I've done or used before. So I will need some time to learn this stuff.
- Text prediction for the address bar based on your history.
- Postman has this really cool feature wherein it can create a mock server. I'll do that once the core features are implemented and if it doesn't severely impact performance.
Everest's convenient Visualizer makes reading response bodies a breeze!
Shortcut | Task |
Ctrl + T | New Tab |
Ctrl + W | Close tab |
Ctrl + H | Toggle History |
Ctrl + Enter | Send request |
Ctrl + L | Focus address bar |
Ctrl + M | Open HTTP Method box |
Ctrl + F | Focus history search bar |
Alt + P | Focus Params tab |
Alt + A | Focus Authentication tab |
Alt + H | Focus Headers tab |
Alt + B | Focus Body tab |
The first alpha release is available here. Make sure you read the release notes to understand what works and what doesn't, how to report issues and how to run the binary.
Use these options to reach me:
- Open a GitHub issue.
- Email me at rohitawate121@gmail.com.
- Tweet me at @TheRohitAwate
Aaaand, that's it! I don't think anyone will make it down here. But if you did, you're awesome! 🏆