MalSmite, short for Malware Smite is a short mobile RPG shooter game that features our college mascot developed by the EMC students batch 2021.
Their class is composed of the following:
- Character designers - design enemies (viruses) composed of primitive geometry shapes and give them abilities.
- Weapon and item designers - design available shooting weapons for the character (please be simple with the design for fast modelling). Minimum of five entries per volunteer.
- Programmers - helps code the game and master Godot game engine.
- Story writers - write stories or scenarios for the game (minimum of 10 scenarios). Each scenario must have an objective to be accomplished by the player.
- Game testers / evangelists - only 5 people needed. Must test the game and give constant feedback or report the issues encountered while playing. Should also help promoting the game when published on Google Play.
- Sound designers - compose music or download free music with no copyright restrictions that will be used for the game. They are also in-charge for all the sound effects needed for the game.
- Graphic designers - design Google play market images (banners and splash screens)