Like http-assert, but has more features for using in some web frameworks, such as Koa.
$ npm i --save ynn-http-assert
const koa = require( 'koa' );
const assert = require( 'ynn-http-assert' );
const app = new Koa();
app.use( async ( ctx, next ) => {
const id = assert(, 400, 'id is required' )
.is( 'int', 'invalid id' )
.between( [ 100, 1000 ] )
const pn = assert( )
.default( 1 )
.is( 'int' )
.gt( 0 )
const email = assert(, 400, 'email is required' )
.is( 'email' )
.custom( v => v.startWith( 'abc' ) )
const username = await assert( ctx.query.username )
.custom( v => {
return Promise.reject();
}, 400, 'username is invalid' )
return next();
} );
assert(value, [status], [message], [properties])
To set a default value if the value doesn't pass any of the assertions, and then all the assertions rest will be ignored.
const x = assert( ctx.query.x ) // if the ctx.query.x is not truthy, the value will be set to 100
.default( 100 )
.is( 'int' ) // if the value is not an integer, the value will be set to 100
To set/get the value of Assertion instance.
const x = assert( ctx.query.x )
.custom( function( v ) {
this.value( 'new-value' ); // to set the value to 'new-value'
} ).
value(); // to get the value
equal(data, [status], [message], [properties])
notEqual(data, [status], [message], [properties])
strictEqual(data, [status], [message], [properties])
notStrictEqual(data, [status], [message], [properties])
deepEqual(data, [status], [message], [properties])
notDeepEqual(data, [status], [message], [properties])
is(type, [status], [message], [properties])
gt(n, [status], [message], [properties])
gte(n, [status], [message], [properties])
lt(n, [status], [message], [properties])
lte(n, [status], [message], [properties])
between(interval, [status], [message], [properties])
length(interval, [status], [message], [properties])
regex(regex, [status], [message], [properties])
json(fn, [status], [message], [properties])
jsonstr(fn, [status], [message], [properties]) custom(fn, [status], [message], [properties])