Check The Chain uses UniswapV3 pools to return formatted price data in USDC/ETH all through Solidity smart contracts.
Deployed to 0x0000000000cdc1f8d393415455e382c30fbc0a84 on Ethereum, Optimism, Base, Arbitrum and Polygon.
Ethereum and Base also support ENS resolution conveniences.
These smart contracts and testing suite are being provided as is. No guarantee, representation or warranty is being made, express or implied, as to the safety or correctness of anything provided herein or through related user interfaces. This repository and related code have not been audited and as such there can be no assurance anything will work as intended, and users may experience delays, failures, errors, omissions, loss of transmitted information or loss of funds. The creators are not liable for any of the foregoing. Users should proceed with caution and use at their own risk.
See LICENSE for more details.