- 🥗 I’m currently working on a private machine learning model to predict consummer food choices in Europe,
also i am enroled in the Housing Prices Competition for Kaggle Learn Users - 📈 I’m currently enroled in a Data Science Bootcamp @The Bridge School
- 🌍 I’m volunteering with Open Food Facts, biggest food data base in the world
- 🇮🇪 Fun fact: ...I'm Half Irish
I created this GitHub account to share my journey as I build my skills in Python and data analysis/machine learning.
I have experience working with Python and libraries like Pandas, NumPy,NumPy,Seaborn,SciPy, StatsModels, Scikit-learn, Keras,TensorFlow, and SpaCy for data manipulation, analysis, and machine learning modeling. I'm passionate about deriving insights from data and automating processes with code.
I'm currently learning more advanced machine learning techniques like neural networks as well as honing my skills in Python and data science libraries. I'm excited to continue growing in this field.
On my GitHub you'll find my learning projects and code as I work through tutorials, online courses, and data sets. I'm looking forward to building a portfolio of projects to showcase my abilities in using Python for data analysis and machine learning.
Feel free to look around my repositories and project code! I welcome any feedback as I know I still have a lot to learn. Don't hesitate to reach out if you have any tips or just want to connect.
Iter codificandi pergat
Thank you for your visit, Happy learning