Author: Zexi Gong
Class Link:
Project Objective: The objective of this project is to create a personal homepage that effectively highlights my passions, skills, professional experience, and aspirations. The homepage provides visitors with a comprehensive understanding of my profile and aims to foster potential collaborations and opportunities.
Design Document:
Screenshot Homepage Screenshot
Instructions to Build Follow these instructions to set up and build the project locally:
Clone the repository: git clone cd your-repo Open the project in your favorite code editor.
Customize the content: Modify index.html and projects.html to reflect your personal information and projects. Update the images in the img folder with your own images.
Customize styling (optional): Modify the CSS in the css/style.css file to suit your design preferences.
Customize JavaScript (optional): Modify the JavaScript in the js/custom.js file to add or change functionality.
Run the project: Open the index.html file in your web browser to view the homepage. Open the projects.html file to view the projects page.