This C/C++ program is meant to pansharpen a set of 4
one-band Geotiff files holding low-resolution imagery for
a set of NIR, red, green, and blue bands. This is done by
resampling this imagery using bicubic resampling and applying
the Brovey and FIHS image pan-sharpening algorithms and
transformations. Imagery provided by a 1 band panchromatic Geotiff
image file are also necessary.
Data from five 1-band Geotiffs are necessary to run this program.
These Geotiffs are a panchromatic image file (high-res.) and the
Geotiffs holding pixel data for the red, green, blue, and NIR bands.
These 1-band files should contain 2-byte unsigned integer
("short" data-type in C) pixel array data.
Two 4-band Geotiff image files holding the pan-sharpened image bands
for the pan-sharpened red, green, blue, and NIR bands. Their geotransform
and projection information reflects the input panchromatic Geotiff image
file passed-in. One 4-band output file is a result of using the Brovey
transform pan-sharpening, and the other using the Fast Intensity Hue
Saturation pan-sharpening technique (FIHS).
In makefile, be sure to update the directory strings as appropriate
for your computer. These directory strings should reflect the
installation location of your GDAL header (.h) and library (.a) files.
$ make
$ ./pansharpen
(2) <NIR_GEOTIFF>{.tif}
(3) <RED_GEOTIFF>{.tif}
(4) <GREEN_GEOTIFF>{.tif}
(5) <BLUE_GEOTIFF>{.tif}
$ ./pansharpen pan.tif NIR.tif red.tif green.tif blue.tif
Gerasimos "Geri" Michalitsianos
SGT, Inc.
March 2018
Original (RGB) & pan-sharpened (RGB,NIR) Landsat 8 imagery, Argostoli, Kefalonia, Greece.