An event-driven architecture uses events to trigger and communicate between decoupled services and is common in modern applications built with microservices.
Event-driven architectures have three key components: event producers, event routers, and event consumers. A producer publishes an event to the router, which filters and pushes the events to consumers. Producer services and consumer services are decoupled, which allows them to be scaled, updated, and deployed independently.
Based on S3 + SQS + Lambda + SNS + Textract. Fully serveless
Function is able to extract all images which can be recognized by AWS Textract service.
To use AWS SES service in order to send email to random emails (not verified by AWS), you have to request disabling sandbox state
Name | Version |
terraform | >= 0.14.5 |
aws | >= 3.26 |
terraform init
terraform apply -var-file="default.tfvars"
Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
lambda_role_name | Lambda role name | string |
role_for_lambda |
yes |
lambda_role_policy_name | Lambda role name | string |
lambda_policies |
yes |
dead_letter_queue_name | Lambda role name | string |
dead-letter-queue-for-converter |
yes |
sqs_queue_name | Lambda role name | string |
images-to-convert |
yes |
lambda_name | Lambda role name | string |
pic_to_text_converter |
yes |
s3_name | Lambda role name | string |
images-hosting-for-test-2021 |
yes |
sqs_timeout_visibility | Lambda role name | number |
240 |
yes |
sqs_retention_period | Lambda role name | number |
345600 |
yes |
sqs_dead_letters_count | Lambda role name | number |
2 |
yes |
lambda_handler | Lambda role name | string |
lambda_function.lambda_handler |
yes |
s3_path_for_images_input | Lambda role name | string |
images/ |
yes |
s3_path_for_images_output | Lambda role name | string |
text-documents/ |
yes |
s3_notification_events | Lambda role name | list(string) |
["s3:ObjectCreated:*"] |
yes |
sqs_dead_letter_queue_visibility_timeout | Lambda role name | number |
60 |
yes |
message_retention_seconds | Lambda role name | number |
1209600 |
yes |
email_sender | Email which will be sender | string |
John Doe <> |
yes |
Name | Description |
s3_input_folder | Path for images to convert them |
- S3 presigned URL
- ses email veritifaction (for sender)
- read object tag that contains email address
- try catch blocks
- implement logging tool
- config management
- adjust policies instead of wildcard