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Required Metadata

jlchang edited this page Nov 3, 2020 · 13 revisions

SCP Metadata Convention - Required Metadata

Studies uploaded using the SCP Metadata convention must include the following required metadata:

Metadata Name Content Description
NAME string unique identifier for each cell in the study, must be first column in metadata file
biosample_id string unique identifier for each sample in the study
donor_id string unique identifier for each biosample donor in the study
species ontology ontology identifier from NCBItaxon
species__ontology_label ontology_label ontology label from NCBItaxon
disease ontology ontology identifier from MONDO or PATO (if no disease, use ontology ID "PATO_0000461")
disease__ontology_label ontology_label ontology label from MONDO or PATO (if no disease, use ontology label "normal")
organ ontology ontology identifier from Uberon
organ__ontology_label ontology_label ontology label from Uberon
library_preparation_protocol ontology ontology identifier from Experimental Factor ontology:library preparation
library_preparation_protocol__ontology_label ontology_label ontology label from Experimental Factor ontology:library preparation
sex controlled list (enum) one of ["male", "female", "mixed", "unknown"]

Required ontology metadata must include corresponding ontology labels with column header <ontology>__ontology_label to enable validation.

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