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Synchronizing Study Data

bistline edited this page Jun 20, 2017 · 18 revisions

Synchronizing studies with FireCloud workspaces

What does synchronizing do?

If you add or edit data directly to your FireCloud workspace outside of the portal, and would like to 'sync' the study with the workspace, you may do so in the portal. This will have several effects on your study in the portal:

  • Any files found in the workspace that do not have a matching entry in your study will be added to your study (you will have a chance to provide details about each file before saving). If your study has an entry for a particular file that cannot be found

  • All workspace & study permissions (i.e. people you have shared your study with) will be mirrored, using the FireCloud workspace permissions as the master list. In other words, if you have shared your workspace with someone outside of the portal, a matching share will be added in the portal for your study.

Synchronizing a new study

Option 1: Add a new study

** After logging in, select '+ Add a study' from the profile menu.

Use an existing FireCloud workspace

** After you enter all of the normal information for a study (name, description, embargo date, public/private), select 'Yes' for 'Use an existing workspace?' and enter the name of your FireCloud workspace in the text field. NOTE: The workspace must be in the 'single-cell-portal' FireCloud project to be used with the portal.

Save the new study

** Click 'Create Study' to save your study.

Option 2: Synchronize an existing study

Log in and view list of studies

** After logging in, select 'My Studies' from the profile dropdown.

Synchronize your study

** Click 'Sync Workspace' for the corresponding study.

** You will see a dialog while the portal is synchronizing your study **

View list of discovered files

** You will see a list of all files that were found in the workspace that the portal does not have a record of. **

Fill out forms for new files

** For every file found in the workspace, you will be prompted to provide details for each one. Depending on what type of file it is, the forms will update to match your selection. **

** If you select 'Cluster', you will be prompted to provide a name (what the cluster will be labeled), a description, labels for each axis, and optionally the domain ranges of each axis. When you are finished, click 'Sync' to save your entry. **

After you sync the file, you will see a dialog notifying you that the file is being loaded into the portal, and that you will receive an email when it has completed.

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