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Page sections:
- marketplace - API wrapper
- marketplace_example - Examples for the API wrapper
CEL.ro Marketplace API wrapper in PHP
The API wrapper can be installed in 2 ways: by using the packagist package and manually. Below are listed the necessary steps for the two methods.
- PHP >= 5.3
- composer
- Create a file named composer.json with the following contents
{ "require": { "celdotro/marketplace": "~1.1" }, "prefer-stable": true }
- Run the following command
composer install
Run the following command
composer require celdotro/marketplace
- Run the following command
git clone https://github.com/celdotro/marketplace.git
- In newly created folder, run the following command
composer install
In order to use the API wrapper's methods, you will need to authenticate in the PHP script using
use celmarket\Auth;
Auth::setUserDetails('USERNAME', 'PASSWORD');
Examples for the CEL.ro Marketplace API wrapper.
It is recommended to use this project alongside the WIKI. The project can be found at this address: https://github.com/celdotro/marketplace_examples
More information about the project and its file structure: https://github.com/celdotro/marketplace_examples#en
- Clone the git repository
git clone https://github.com/celdotro/marketplace_examples.git
- In newly created folder, run the following command
composer install
- Find the following instruction in the file and replace the USERNAME and PASSWORD with your own
Auth::setUserDetails('USERNAME', 'PASSWORD');
- Run the file using the PHP interpreter
php /PATH_TO_PROJECT/Orders/1.getOrdersSummary.php
- Decide whether to use the live or demo server. If the live server is chosen, then comment out the line containing:
The file index.php lists an automatically generated contents of the project's main folders and files.
php index.php
The file index.php lists an automatically generated contents of the project's main folders and files.
The response is not optimised for browser, because this is a collection of examples, not a web interface.
- Find the following instruction in the file "api_include.php" and replace the USERNAME and PASSWORD with your own
Auth::setUserDetails('USERNAME', 'PASSWORD');
- Decide whether to use the live or demo server. If the live server is chosen, then comment out the line containing:
- Open the following link in the browser and choose the page that corresponds to the file modified in the 1st step (change the asterisks with the server's address)
In order to clone this wiki, use:
git clone https://github.com/celdotro/marketplace.wiki
You can read the files as they are or with a Markdown interpreter. It is recommended though to not clone it and read it directly from github.
Starting with version 1.18.0 we released a solution for devs who manage multiple affiliate accounts.
We added an optional 3rd parameter for setUserDetails method.
This parameter should be a class which extends the AuthProvider class and has the required methods.
If no parameter is specified, the default AuthProviderFile will be used which saves the tokens for each affiliate account in separate files.
For UNIX systems the tokens are saved by default in the /tmp/ directory and for Windows, in the current script root directory.
We also added the setProviderID method which requires one parameter(string|object|array). This method helps devs which need a way to identify each affiliate by an unique ID.
Example for setProviderID using the AuthProviderFile class:
Complete example using AuthProviderFile class:
Auth::setUserDetails('test', '1234', AuthProviderFile::class);
- Prima pagina [RO] | First page [EN]
- Instalare [RO] | Install [EN]
- Informatii generale [RO] | General information [EN]
- AWB [RO] | [EN]
- Campanii [RO] | Campaigns [EN]
- Adaugare campanie [RO] | Add campaign [EN]
- Salvare campanie [RO] | Save campaign [EN]
- Citire campanie [RO] | Read campaign [EN]
- Adaugare produs in campanie [RO] | Add product to campaign [EN]
- Salvare produs in campanie [RO] | Save product in campaign [EN]
- Eliminare produs din campanie [RO] | Remove product from campaign [EN]
- Listare campanii active [RO] | List active campaigns [EN]
- Setare stoc limitat [RO] | Set limited stock [EN]
- Preia campaniile de cupoane [RO] | Get coupon campaigns [EN]
- Date campanie cupoane [RO] | Coupon campaign data [EN]
- Adaugare campanie cupoane noua [RO] | Add new coupon campaign [EN]
- Genereaza cupon [RO] | Generate coupon [EN]
- Schimbare status cupon [RO] | Change coupon status [EN]
- Verifica utilizarea cuponului [RO] | Check coupon usage [EN]
- Date cupon [RO] | Coupons data [EN]
- Adaugare grup de produse in campanie [RO] | Add group of products to campaign [EN]
- Facturi [RO] | Invoices [EN]
- Comenzi [RO] | Orders [EN]
- Listare [RO] | List [EN]
- Actualizare [RO] | Update [EN]
- Datele unei comenzi [RO] | Order's data [EN]
- Anulare [RO] | Cancel [EN]
- Sumar [RO] | Summary [EN]
- Setare date AWB [RO] | Set AWB data [EN]
- Adaugarea de noi produse in comanda [RO] | Add products to order [EN]
- Stergerea unui model de produs din comanda [RO] | Remove product model from order [EN]
- Confirmare comanda [RO] | Confirm order [EN]
- Listare statusuri anulare [RO] | List cancelling statuses [EN]
- Verifica plata pentru comanda [RO] | Check payment for order [EN]
- Reactiveaza comanda [RO] | Reactivate order [EN]
- Preluare lista statusuri pentru comenzi [RO] | Retrieve list of statuses for orders [EN]
- Actualizare SN [RO] | Update SN [EN]
- Adauga observatiile comenzii[RO] | Add order observations [EN]
- Import factura [RO] | Import Invoice [EN]
- Stornare comanda [RO] | Order cancellation [EN]
- Schimba statusul unui produs din comanda [RO] | Changes the status of a product from a specific order [EN]
- Listare statusuri comenzi [RO] | List orders statuses [EN]
- Listeaza statusurile produselor din comanda [RO] | List order product statuses [EN]
- Preia metode de plata [RO] | Get payment methods [EN]
- Schimba modul de plata [RO] | Change order payment method [EN]
- Finalizeaza comanda [RO] | Finish order [EN]
- Tipareste comanda [RO] | Print order [EN]
- Retur produs [RO] | Return product [EN]
- Finalizare combinata [RO] | Finish combined [EN]
- Adaugare greutate [RO] | Add weight [EN]
- Schimba data finalizarii [RO] | Change finishing date [EN]
- Disputa comanda [RO] | Mark order as disputed [EN]
- Pagini [RO] | Pages [EN]
- Produse [RO] | Products [EN]
- Listare categorii [RO] | List categories [EN]
- Listare produse [RO] | List products [EN]
- Import produse [RO] | Import products [EN]
- Listare status import produse [EN] | List product import status [EN]
- Actualizare stoc, pret, status [RO] | Update stock, price, status [EN]
- Adaugare bonus [RO] | Add bonus [EN]
- Listare bonus [RO] | Get bonus [EN]
- Stergere bonus [RO] | Delete bonus [EN]
- Actualizare date [RO] | Update data [EN]
- Listeaza caracteristicile unei categorii [RO] | List characteristics of a category [EN]
- Adauga noi valori unei caracteristici [RO] | Add new values to a characteristic [EN]
- Listeaza filtre [RO] | List filters [EN]
- Listeaza caracteristicile obligatorii ale unei categorii [RO] | List mandatory characteristics of a category [RO]
- Preluare produse live din categorie [RO] | Retrieve live products from category [EN]
- Adauga o noua oferta unui produs existent [RO] | Add offer to existing product [EN]
- Preia produsele live pe categorii [RO] | Get live products categories [EN]
- Actualizeaza status produs [RO] | Update products status [EN]
- Exporta produse [RO] | Export products [EN]
- Listeaza familiile de produse [RO] | List product families [EN]
- Adauga produs in familie [RO] | Add product to family [EN]
- Preia produs din familie [RO] | Get product from family [EN]
- Elimina produs din familie [RO] | Remove product from family [EN]
- Actualizare promotie produs [RO] | Update product promotion [EN]
- Preia ID producator [RO] | Get manufacturer ID [EN]
- Adauga familie de produse [RO] | Add products family [EN]
- Preia lista produselor in asteptare [RO] | Get waiting products list [EN]
- Preia lista produse respinse [RO] | Get rejected products list [EN]
- Email [RO] | Email [EN]
- Listare email-uri pred`efinite pentru comenzi [RO] | Predefined email list for orders [EN]
- Preia email-urile unui client pentru o comanda [RO] | Get client emails for an order [EN]
- Trimite email aferent comenzii [RO] | Send predefined order email [EN]
- Trimite email personalizat aferent comenzii [RO] | Send custom order email [EN]
- Trimitere raport bug [RO] | Send bug report [EN]
- Preia email-urile pentru produse [RO] | Retrieve products emails [EN]
- Raspunde email-ului unui produs [RO] | Answer a specific email for a product [EN]
- Preia cererile de service [RO] | Get service requests[EN]
- Raspunde unei cereri de service [RO] | Answer service request [EN]
- Preia cererile de retur [RO] | Get return requests [EN]
- Raspunde cererii de retur [RO] | Answer return request [EN]
- Notificare eliminare factura [RO] | Notify invoice removal [EN]
- Preia intrebari comanda [RO] | Get order questions [EN]
- Raspunde intrebarii comenzii [RO] | Answer order's question [EN]
- Descarca atasamentul email-ului comenzii [RO] | Download order email attachment [EN]
- Numara cererile de retur [RO] | Count return requests [EN]
- Trimitere notificare de stergere a AWB-ului [RO] | Send AWB notification removal [EN]
- Preia cerere retur [RO] | Get return request [EN]
- Preia cerere service [RO] | Get service request [EN]
- Preia mesajele comenzilor [RO] | Get orders messages [EN]
- Preia numarul de mesaje fara raspuns ale comenzilor [RO] | Get unanswered orders message number [EN]
- Informatii administrative [RO] | Administrative information [EN]
- Date plati facturi [RO] | Invoices payment data [EN]
- Date plati pentru o factura [RO] | Detailed payment data for an invoice [EN]
- Istoric importuri [RO] | Import history [EN]
- Adaugare adresa [RO] | Add address [EN]
- Editare adresa [RO] | Edit address [EN]
- Listare adrese [RO] | List addresses [EN]
- Stergere adresa [RO] | Delete address [EN]
- Actualizeaza informatiile contului [RO] | Update account information [EN]
- Listeaza informatiile contului [RO] | List account information [EN]
- Listeaza produsele facturabile [RO] | List billable products [EN]
- Factureaza produse [RO] | Bill products [EN]
- Preia cererile de service [RO] | Retrieve service requests [EN]
- Preia taxa de transport [RO] | Retrieve transport tax[EN]
- Actualizeaza taxa de transport [RO] | Update transport tax[EN]
- Actualizare in grup a taxelor de transport [RO] | Bulk update transport taxes [EN]
- Actualizeaza informatiile livrarii [RO] | Update delivery information [EN]
- Preia informatii despre livrare [RO] | Get delivery information [EN]
- Seteaza gata de livrare [RO] | Set as ready for delivery [EN]
- Preia notificarile [RO] | Get notifications [EN]
- Marcheaza notificare drept citita [RO] | Mark as seen [EN]
- Adauga curier [RO] | Add courier [EN]
- Preia date despre afiliat [RO] | Get affiliate's data [EN]
- Marcheaza toate notificarile drept citite [RO] | Mark all as read [EN]
- Preia lista curieri [RO] | Get couriers [EN]
- Preia FAQ categorii [RO] | Get categories FAQ [EN]
- Continut FAQ categorie [RO] | Category FAQ contents [EN]
- Preia coduri MCC [RO] | Get MCC Codes [EN]
- Atribuie cod MCC [RO] | Add MCC Code [EN]
- Preia MCC-uri atribuite [RO] | Get currently used MCC [EN]
- Elimina MCC [RO] | Remove MCC Code [EN]
- Preia informatii despre accesul la categorii [RO] | Retrieve information about categories access [EN]
- Cere acces la o categorie [RO] | Request category access [EN]
- Lista cereri acces la categorii [RO] | Category access request list [EN]
- Abonare la newsletter API [RO] | Subscribe to API newsletter [EN]
- Dezabonare de la newsletter API [RO] | Unsubscribe from API newsletter [EN]
- Status abonare newsletter API [RO] | Subscription status to API newsletter [EN]
- Preia informatii combinate [RO] | Get combined information [EN]
- Preluare prefix [RO] | Get prefix [EN]
- Listare pagini cu incalcari de contract [RO] | List pages that breach the contract [EN]
- Rapoarte [RO] | Reports [EN]
- Plati [RO] | Payments [EN]
- Preia platile lunare cu cardul [RO] | Monthly card payments [EN]
- Lunile platilor cu cardul [RO] | Card payments months [EN]
- Lunile borderourilor [RO] | Payments summary months [EN]
- Comisioane nefacturate [RO] | Unbilled commissions [EN]
- Comisioane facturate [RO] | Billed commissions [EN]
- Aproba comanda [RO] | Approve order [EN]
- Respinge comanda [RO] | Reject order [EN]
- Genereaza factura [RO] | Generate invoice [EN]
- Descarca factura [RO] | Download invoice [EN]
- Descarca borderou XLSX [RO] | Download summary XLSX [EN]
- Descarca borderou PDF [RO] | Download summary PDF [EN]