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Remove product model from order
Florin D edited this page Aug 31, 2018
3 revisions
- Remove a product model from an existing order
- method: orders
- action: removeProductFromOrder
- order = order's ID
- arrProducts = array containg the model of products to be removed -> array
- (element din array) = the model a of product to be removed
An object with the following attributes
- success = the operation was successful
- 1 produs a fost sters = successfully removed one product
- X produse au fost sterse = successfully removed X products
"request": {
"order": 1,
"response": {
"success": 1
- Prima pagina [RO] | First page [EN]
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- Campanii [RO] | Campaigns [EN]
- Adaugare campanie [RO] | Add campaign [EN]
- Salvare campanie [RO] | Save campaign [EN]
- Citire campanie [RO] | Read campaign [EN]
- Adaugare produs in campanie [RO] | Add product to campaign [EN]
- Salvare produs in campanie [RO] | Save product in campaign [EN]
- Eliminare produs din campanie [RO] | Remove product from campaign [EN]
- Listare campanii active [RO] | List active campaigns [EN]
- Setare stoc limitat [RO] | Set limited stock [EN]
- Preia campaniile de cupoane [RO] | Get coupon campaigns [EN]
- Date campanie cupoane [RO] | Coupon campaign data [EN]
- Adaugare campanie cupoane noua [RO] | Add new coupon campaign [EN]
- Genereaza cupon [RO] | Generate coupon [EN]
- Schimbare status cupon [RO] | Change coupon status [EN]
- Verifica utilizarea cuponului [RO] | Check coupon usage [EN]
- Date cupon [RO] | Coupons data [EN]
- Adaugare grup de produse in campanie [RO] | Add group of products to campaign [EN]
- Facturi [RO] | Invoices [EN]
- Comenzi [RO] | Orders [EN]
- Listare [RO] | List [EN]
- Actualizare [RO] | Update [EN]
- Datele unei comenzi [RO] | Order's data [EN]
- Anulare [RO] | Cancel [EN]
- Sumar [RO] | Summary [EN]
- Setare date AWB [RO] | Set AWB data [EN]
- Adaugarea de noi produse in comanda [RO] | Add products to order [EN]
- Stergerea unui model de produs din comanda [RO] | Remove product model from order [EN]
- Confirmare comanda [RO] | Confirm order [EN]
- Listare statusuri anulare [RO] | List cancelling statuses [EN]
- Verifica plata pentru comanda [RO] | Check payment for order [EN]
- Reactiveaza comanda [RO] | Reactivate order [EN]
- Preluare lista statusuri pentru comenzi [RO] | Retrieve list of statuses for orders [EN]
- Actualizare SN [RO] | Update SN [EN]
- Adauga observatiile comenzii[RO] | Add order observations [EN]
- Import factura [RO] | Import Invoice [EN]
- Stornare comanda [RO] | Order cancellation [EN]
- Schimba statusul unui produs din comanda [RO] | Changes the status of a product from a specific order [EN]
- Listare statusuri comenzi [RO] | List orders statuses [EN]
- Listeaza statusurile produselor din comanda [RO] | List order product statuses [EN]
- Preia metode de plata [RO] | Get payment methods [EN]
- Schimba modul de plata [RO] | Change order payment method [EN]
- Finalizeaza comanda [RO] | Finish order [EN]
- Tipareste comanda [RO] | Print order [EN]
- Retur produs [RO] | Return product [EN]
- Finalizare combinata [RO] | Finish combined [EN]
- Adaugare greutate [RO] | Add weight [EN]
- Schimba data finalizarii [RO] | Change finishing date [EN]
- Disputa comanda [RO] | Mark order as disputed [EN]
- Pagini [RO] | Pages [EN]
- Produse [RO] | Products [EN]
- Listare categorii [RO] | List categories [EN]
- Listare produse [RO] | List products [EN]
- Import produse [RO] | Import products [EN]
- Listare status import produse [EN] | List product import status [EN]
- Actualizare stoc, pret, status [RO] | Update stock, price, status [EN]
- Adaugare bonus [RO] | Add bonus [EN]
- Listare bonus [RO] | Get bonus [EN]
- Stergere bonus [RO] | Delete bonus [EN]
- Actualizare date [RO] | Update data [EN]
- Listeaza caracteristicile unei categorii [RO] | List characteristics of a category [EN]
- Adauga noi valori unei caracteristici [RO] | Add new values to a characteristic [EN]
- Listeaza filtre [RO] | List filters [EN]
- Listeaza caracteristicile obligatorii ale unei categorii [RO] | List mandatory characteristics of a category [RO]
- Preluare produse live din categorie [RO] | Retrieve live products from category [EN]
- Adauga o noua oferta unui produs existent [RO] | Add offer to existing product [EN]
- Preia produsele live pe categorii [RO] | Get live products categories [EN]
- Actualizeaza status produs [RO] | Update products status [EN]
- Exporta produse [RO] | Export products [EN]
- Listeaza familiile de produse [RO] | List product families [EN]
- Adauga produs in familie [RO] | Add product to family [EN]
- Preia produs din familie [RO] | Get product from family [EN]
- Elimina produs din familie [RO] | Remove product from family [EN]
- Actualizare promotie produs [RO] | Update product promotion [EN]
- Preia ID producator [RO] | Get manufacturer ID [EN]
- Adauga familie de produse [RO] | Add products family [EN]
- Preia lista produselor in asteptare [RO] | Get waiting products list [EN]
- Preia lista produse respinse [RO] | Get rejected products list [EN]
- Email [RO] | Email [EN]
- Listare email-uri pred`efinite pentru comenzi [RO] | Predefined email list for orders [EN]
- Preia email-urile unui client pentru o comanda [RO] | Get client emails for an order [EN]
- Trimite email aferent comenzii [RO] | Send predefined order email [EN]
- Trimite email personalizat aferent comenzii [RO] | Send custom order email [EN]
- Trimitere raport bug [RO] | Send bug report [EN]
- Preia email-urile pentru produse [RO] | Retrieve products emails [EN]
- Raspunde email-ului unui produs [RO] | Answer a specific email for a product [EN]
- Preia cererile de service [RO] | Get service requests[EN]
- Raspunde unei cereri de service [RO] | Answer service request [EN]
- Preia cererile de retur [RO] | Get return requests [EN]
- Raspunde cererii de retur [RO] | Answer return request [EN]
- Notificare eliminare factura [RO] | Notify invoice removal [EN]
- Preia intrebari comanda [RO] | Get order questions [EN]
- Raspunde intrebarii comenzii [RO] | Answer order's question [EN]
- Descarca atasamentul email-ului comenzii [RO] | Download order email attachment [EN]
- Numara cererile de retur [RO] | Count return requests [EN]
- Trimitere notificare de stergere a AWB-ului [RO] | Send AWB notification removal [EN]
- Preia cerere retur [RO] | Get return request [EN]
- Preia cerere service [RO] | Get service request [EN]
- Preia mesajele comenzilor [RO] | Get orders messages [EN]
- Preia numarul de mesaje fara raspuns ale comenzilor [RO] | Get unanswered orders message number [EN]
- Informatii administrative [RO] | Administrative information [EN]
- Date plati facturi [RO] | Invoices payment data [EN]
- Date plati pentru o factura [RO] | Detailed payment data for an invoice [EN]
- Istoric importuri [RO] | Import history [EN]
- Adaugare adresa [RO] | Add address [EN]
- Editare adresa [RO] | Edit address [EN]
- Listare adrese [RO] | List addresses [EN]
- Stergere adresa [RO] | Delete address [EN]
- Actualizeaza informatiile contului [RO] | Update account information [EN]
- Listeaza informatiile contului [RO] | List account information [EN]
- Listeaza produsele facturabile [RO] | List billable products [EN]
- Factureaza produse [RO] | Bill products [EN]
- Preia cererile de service [RO] | Retrieve service requests [EN]
- Preia taxa de transport [RO] | Retrieve transport tax[EN]
- Actualizeaza taxa de transport [RO] | Update transport tax[EN]
- Actualizare in grup a taxelor de transport [RO] | Bulk update transport taxes [EN]
- Actualizeaza informatiile livrarii [RO] | Update delivery information [EN]
- Preia informatii despre livrare [RO] | Get delivery information [EN]
- Seteaza gata de livrare [RO] | Set as ready for delivery [EN]
- Preia notificarile [RO] | Get notifications [EN]
- Marcheaza notificare drept citita [RO] | Mark as seen [EN]
- Adauga curier [RO] | Add courier [EN]
- Preia date despre afiliat [RO] | Get affiliate's data [EN]
- Marcheaza toate notificarile drept citite [RO] | Mark all as read [EN]
- Preia lista curieri [RO] | Get couriers [EN]
- Preia FAQ categorii [RO] | Get categories FAQ [EN]
- Continut FAQ categorie [RO] | Category FAQ contents [EN]
- Preia coduri MCC [RO] | Get MCC Codes [EN]
- Atribuie cod MCC [RO] | Add MCC Code [EN]
- Preia MCC-uri atribuite [RO] | Get currently used MCC [EN]
- Elimina MCC [RO] | Remove MCC Code [EN]
- Preia informatii despre accesul la categorii [RO] | Retrieve information about categories access [EN]
- Cere acces la o categorie [RO] | Request category access [EN]
- Lista cereri acces la categorii [RO] | Category access request list [EN]
- Abonare la newsletter API [RO] | Subscribe to API newsletter [EN]
- Dezabonare de la newsletter API [RO] | Unsubscribe from API newsletter [EN]
- Status abonare newsletter API [RO] | Subscription status to API newsletter [EN]
- Preia informatii combinate [RO] | Get combined information [EN]
- Preluare prefix [RO] | Get prefix [EN]
- Listare pagini cu incalcari de contract [RO] | List pages that breach the contract [EN]
- Rapoarte [RO] | Reports [EN]
- Plati [RO] | Payments [EN]
- Preia platile lunare cu cardul [RO] | Monthly card payments [EN]
- Lunile platilor cu cardul [RO] | Card payments months [EN]
- Lunile borderourilor [RO] | Payments summary months [EN]
- Comisioane nefacturate [RO] | Unbilled commissions [EN]
- Comisioane facturate [RO] | Billed commissions [EN]
- Aproba comanda [RO] | Approve order [EN]
- Respinge comanda [RO] | Reject order [EN]
- Genereaza factura [RO] | Generate invoice [EN]
- Descarca factura [RO] | Download invoice [EN]
- Descarca borderou XLSX [RO] | Download summary XLSX [EN]
- Descarca borderou PDF [RO] | Download summary PDF [EN]