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Releases: xuyiqing/panelView

Version 1.1.17

25 Sep 20:00
Choose a tag to compare

CRAN release. Add JSS link:

Version 1.1.5

21 Jul 15:50
Choose a tag to compare

CRAN version. Fixed bugs.

Version 1.1.2

11 Mar 05:37
Choose a tag to compare

Updates in v.1.1.0-2

  1. Change the plot type: we now use "treat" ("missing" in earlier versions) to plot treatment status and "outcome" ("raw" in earlier versions) to plot raw outcomes.
  2. Allow >2 treatment levels.
  3. Add a new option to distinguish pre- and post-treatment observations for treated units in a DID setting.
  4. Replace options by.treatment with by.timing and treatment with ignore.treat for easier interpretations.
  5. Add fontsize and other visual options.

Version 1.0.4

20 Aug 05:36
Choose a tag to compare

Updates in v.1.0.4

  1. Allow users to plot treated units on top of control units in the "missing" plot.
  2. Streamline the color option for both the "missing" and "raw" plots.

Updates in v.1.0.3

  1. Allow users to change the color of bricks in the "missing" plot.
  2. Allow users to leave the treatment blank in both the "missing" and "raw" plots.

First release

23 Apr 03:21
Choose a tag to compare

First release of panelView. CRAN version 1.0.1